Can you Highlight a Wig?

Can you Highlight a Wig?

The highlight wig is the enhanced hairstyle, they show two tones, the color of which is multi-colored, usually on the scalp. Like the blue wig, it is one of the most popular colored wigs on the market and is welcomed by most consumers.

High wigs are a common occurrence for women who are ready to update their appearance. After all, nothing builds confidence more than having fresh hair. Before trying this small project, there are some things you should know.

Long hair is different from your natural hair

Wigs, however, do not attach to your head so strands do not benefit from natural refueling. Basically, they start to deteriorate as soon as you start wearing them. If you are trying to add color to your deteriorating hair over time, you may end up with discolored, unused colors, or even peeling hair.

Protect the Wig

All outstanding wigs can last a long time if you take care of them properly. However, combing hair is bleaching the hair, and it is not good to process the hair that has been exposed to the elements and wash it regularly since it dries the hair.

Know what you want

Before starting to focus on your wig, you need to be clear about your options and tell a professional wig expert who can do it in a way that maintains the beauty of the hair. It is better to start with a new wig to avoid adding damage to the damaged hair. This way, you will have a fresh, refined look, and you can always use your old wig.

After knowing the issues that need attention, we will now discuss the topic of this announcement, how do you highlight the human wigs. (Click here to check the current price for human hair removal)

If your hair is made of real human hair, you can continue reading to learn more. But if they are synthetic fur, just abandon this idea because they can not be dyed and bleached at all. Just follow these steps to  highlight wig the real wig:

Wig 1

Tip 1: In general, we do not recommend thinning your hair. We recommend visiting your local barber shop if your wig is dark or black. Human hair wigs are generally heavily processed so other processes will slow down the wear of the strands.

Tip 2: If you want to customize your highlight wig or color combinations, we recommend that you get a wig in the most striking color you are looking for. Comb hair with semi-permanent color to create a highlight wig without damage. To add “depth”, try combining it into two or more colors.

Tip 3: Wash and try if you do not like it. Because the paint will wash off, leave the wick soaked for longer when washing and your “canvas” will be ready again!

Tip 4: Perfect your paintwork. Once you find the perfect color combination and number of highlight wig, you can continue to experiment with other colors, more highlight wig or cane, and so on. . The sky’s the limit!

Wig 2

Tip 5: When coloring human wavy hair, you must be careful and ensure that the color does not stain on the wires, especially if the color is too dark or “washed”. The last thing you want is a beautiful hairstyle with burgundy lace.

Tip 6: Wigs with human hair are not suitable for coloring. So you should not try to focus on it. This is because synthetic hair does not use chemicals properly and even washing the hair does not “stain the hair” properly.

After reading the content, some people will say that the makeup on the side will focus for a long time, and we do not guarantee that we can do it very well, maybe not achieve satisfactory results. OK, buy! It can be exchanged for your old comb. Why not? Just find what we are showing you as suggested by the user:


Nadula offers a wide range of men-made lace garments that come in a variety of colors, combining long or short hair colors, wavy, wavy and curly to meet different needs. Feel free to contact us to learn more about the products you want before ordering.