Caring For Your Oven: General Guidelines

Caring For Your Oven: General Guidelines

Is your poor old oven making popping sounds? Or is it coming to a halt very often? If only the oven could talk, it might have screamed: “Spare me, please!” And this means it’s time you start looking for a new oven.

It goes without saying that you should choose an oven based on your needs and specifications. You can follow the oven buyers guide for purchasing an oven that is best suited for your needs. And this new member of your kitchen will give your cooking and baking skills a professional edge. Buying the best oven isn’t enough unless you know how to maintain it. Sloppy maintenance can ruin your appliance even before the warranty period. You should take good care of this appliance so that it lasts its full lifetime.

We are here to help you care for your oven like an expert. This article is for the ones who are worried about the inconsistent performance of their ovens. Read the points below and you will be surprised how easy it is to extend the life of your oven.

  • Make Oven Cleaning A Regular Habit

This one sounds boring, right? Yet, it’s a better deal than taking your oven to a repair shop every few months. Use some of the DIY methods of oven cleaning to get rid of the stubborn gunk and grease and the remains of burnt food in your oven. Cleaning the oven at least twice a year is a must. But in case of heavy use, more frequent cleaning sessions are recommended. More importantly, make sure to wipe off the spilled food as soon as you are done with cooking and remind yourself to unplug the oven without fail during the entire cleaning process.

  • Be Wary Of The Oven’s Self-Cleaning Feature

Most of the modern-day ovens come with self-cleaning features. The self-cleaning ovens are available in two varieties: high temperature and steam. Whatever be the variety, you have to set the oven locked at a very high temperature for hours. And this could be very risky. It is highly recommended that you stay at home while your oven is under a self-cleaning process. Since it gets heated up to an extreme point during the process, it would be better if you could leave your kitchen windows open. Once the oven has self-cleaned itself, let it cool down for the next six hours before you clean it completely using a wipe.

  • Examine The Coil Burners

Watch out for the oddities on the coil burners of your oven. Look for suspicious spots on the coils that burn redder than the rest while cooking. That’s an indication that the coil must be replaced immediately. Else, it might result in a short circuit and cause damage to the oven.

  • Take Good Care Of The Blower

Prevent the oven from premature halting by keeping the blower clean. The non-sticky insulation materials, grime, and dust might get caught in the blower and obstruct its motion. Use a vacuum cleaner or an air jet to clean the vent opening. Also, inspect the blower wheel and the mounting screws regularly. Confirm that the screws securing the motor mounting are just snug. Over Tightened screws can crash the washers.

  • Place The Oven In A Spacious Setting

This one is a basic rule most of us tend to ignore. Look for a spacious spot in the kitchen for the oven. Remind yourself not to place it near the walls that could block the flow of air around the blower motor. This is a must-follow rule to ensure the longevity of your appliance. Likewise, be careful where you place your food inside the oven. If the air to and fro the oven is hindered, it can lead to underperformance which, in turn, may cause damage to the appliance.

  • Use The Right Power

It is extremely important that you use the right amount of power for your oven. Operating the oven at reduced power will result in its poor performance. Don’t be surprised if your oven starts malfunctioning due to an inadequate power supply. In case the operating conditions of your oven are thwarted by a constricted power supply, get a buck-boost transformer to resolve the issue.

  • Replace The Gas Line

If you are replacing your old gas oven with a new one, make it a point to replace the gas line as well. The gas line might undergo wear and tear due to exaggerated movements while replacing the oven. And consequently, the gas line might start to leak. Do not step back from purchasing a new gas line just because of the costs involved. It’s for the safety of your oven and your home. As the old adage goes, a stitch in time saves nine!