Common Causes of Flickering Lights in your Home

Common Causes of Flickering Lights in your Home

Flickering lights or household lights that dim periodically evokes images of scary movies. An occasional light flicker in your home is normal, but if it happens often, you are likely to understand they are more than just a simple inconvenience. Electricity is what keeps your home safe and comfortable, but when problems arise, this puts your home, family, and well-being in jeopardy.

Flickering lights are annoying and it may also be the sign of a bigger problem with your electrical system, in which case ignoring the issue can have serious consequences such as home fires. Before you start to worry, investigate the issue or the better option is to call in the professional electrician in Saginaw to look at the problem, just like Mr. Electric in Fort Worth.

Causes of Flickering Lights 

Generally speaking, flickering lights are a result of a reduction or a fluctuation in household voltage that results in the lights dimming for a moment. There are several issues that can cause lights to flicker.

Here are some of the most common reasons.

Loose Electricity Connections

Loose electricity connections are the most common cause that causes lights to flicker in your home. Electrical connections in your home need to be as tight as possible to avoid creating resistance. This is essential because, even if resistance is low, it can overheat connections or surrounding wires. This overheating can start a fire if located near any flammable materials. Also, loose connections could be due to a loose terminal on a device or a loose connection in the circuit breaker. If you believe you have loose connections, call an experienced electric company to evaluate your home.

Voltage Changes

Another common reason for flickering lights is that when you turn on a large appliance, voltage fluctuates. Most homes in the USA have around 200 amp electrical voltage, and appliances that draw a large current when being turned on can momentarily cause flickering. If you find your lights always flicker when using large electrical appliances, call an electric company to make sure your appliances are wired for maximum ampacity.

Loose Light Bulbs

Light bulbs that are not screwed in all the way into the fixture, it can make for a weak electrical connection, resulting in flickering. Simply tightening the bulb usually solves this problem, however, if this occurs with a fluorescent tube, try rotating the tube in the fixture mounts to make sure the metal pins make good contact. In older lamps or light fixtures, the sockets may wear out, so the bulb can no longer make good contact with the metal tab at the bottom of the bulb socket. In this instance, replace the socket or the entire light fixture.

Loose Electrical Wiring

Loose electrical wiring is the most serious reason for flickering lights and a leading cause of house fires. Old and outdated wiring, breakers, switches, and connectors are always a cause for concern. Loose connections in an outlet, light or switch box cause arcing, where electrical current jumps over gaps in the connection. This is a major cause of electrical fires and even a single loose connection can endanger your entire system.

So, it is advised to shut off the light at the circuit breaker before removing the fixture to check the wiring. If the fixture looks like it might be loose, it’s time to call an expert electrician Saginaw.


It is never a good idea to ignore a lighting or electrical problem in your home. If you notice lights flickering, always investigate and if you can’t find the culprit, do not attempt to repair it yourself. Electrical work can be deadly if it is not done properly. A professional electrical repair company, like Mr. Electric in Fort Worth, will be able to evaluate and repair your home’s electricity in the safest way possible. Call them today to get your flickering light issue resolved.