Common Problems Faced by Property Managers

Common Problems Faced by Property Managers

Managing a rental property either for residential or commercial purposes can be a very challenging task, especially if you are not using property management software. Property managers do not have comfortable lives since they have to tend with all the challenges associated with their job. Here are some of the most common concerns faced by property managers.

Drug-related challenges

One primary concern faced by property managers today is the use of their properties for drug-related activities. There are a lot of rental properties that are being used as meth labs unbeknownst to the property owners. This type of problem is more common in developed countries such as the US and Australia, where they require compulsory testing of the rental properties in between tenant usages.

Expected instant response time in communication

Another challenge property managers face is dealing with tenant expectations in terms of communication. Property managers have a lot on their plate and sometimes may overlook the different emails, SMS messages, and phone calls from their tenants. Without a complete staff or property management software, managers of rental properties may miss communications or may have delayed responses to complaints. This will eventually lead to poor tenant satisfaction. Setting up automated sms for property management can release some of your time

Expected 24-hour availability

A lot of tenants expect that their property managers are available to them 24/7. Without adequate round-the-clock staff, property managers are overwhelmed with the number of complaints that they will receive even in inconvenient hours. Because of this, a lot of property managers are complaining that they work too many hours, which can cause them to burn out early and resent their job positions.

As a property manager, you now have the responsibility of managing your time wisely. Using a property management software will allow you to keep track of all the activities and task you need to do and to schedule them accordingly.

Dealing with abusive owners and tenants

Aside from dealing with tenants, property managers also need to deal with the owners of the properties. Rental properties have grown exponentially with a lot of property owners listing on Airbnb. When you are a property manager, you are responsible for taking care of the financial investment of the owner of that property. You may encounter conflict in terms of what the owners want their property to be handled with what the tenants would wish to.

If you are a property manager, you can select tenants that would comply with the demands of the owners in connection with their property usage. However, it is harder for you to find property owners that share your values about property management.

Social media reviews

We are in a time where social media has a strong influence on what consumers purchase. One significant challenge faced by property owners is the instant online reviews that tenants may post on various social media sites. As a property manager, you have to accept that you will encounter online complaints in terms of the services you are providing your tenants. It is a recommended practice to show your sincere concern by responding positively to the charges and making sure to improve your services in the future.

Remember that as a property manager, you cannot do everything done in a day. You have to prioritize the tasks at hand and try to micromanage other management activities. Having property management software will help you with responsibility and time management, so consider getting one.