Copywriters Wanted: 10 Interesting Facts About The Copywriter’s Work

Copywriters Wanted: 10 Interesting Facts About The Copywriter’s Work

Copywriters play important roles in society. They use their creative minds to generate unique content adding their personality to each written work. However, not everyone can be a copywriter. It takes more than speaking fluent English to become a copywriter. This is why job postings with captions like “copywriters wanted”, or “freelance writers wanted”, typical demand creativity among other things. Do you think you have what it takes to become a professional copywriter? Keep reading to find ten interesting facts about copywriters.

10 Interesting Facts About Copywriters You Probably Didn’t Know


  1. You’ll Make A Lot Of Money

Most people look down on professional copywriting or see it as something that should only be done part-time for extra income. However, there are many full-time copywriters who make hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly from creative writing alone. Some online writers even make up to six figures from the comfort of their home.

  1. You Don’t Need A Degree In Writing

There is hardly any university that offers a degree in copywriting. Most freelance writers educate themselves by reading books, writing regularly, and using AI software to perfect their writing skills. There is no need for a degree in writing.

  1. Copywriting Requires Research

While writing a sales copy requires a lot of intuition, you still need to do a lot of research to get your facts straight. Adding statistics and case studies to your copy will make it look more professional and help your client attract more clients.

  1. Copywriters Play A Key Role In Conversions And Sales

Organizations are willing to pay a lot of money to copywriters because they know the value of sales pitches or sales copies. However, they don’t just give any employee the responsibility of writing a sales copy because they know that it takes a creative mind.

  1. Copywriters Are More Prone To Weight Gain

Yes. You read that right. As a copywriter, you’ll spend a lot of time sitting in one spot. So, it’s easy to gain weight if you don’t create time to exercise regularly. This is one fact you have to accept if you want to build your career as a copywriter.

  1. You’ll Need A Lot Of Patience

When you’re a copywriter, you’ll come across clients that are difficult to please. These clients will keep sending in revisions until they are satisfied with the content. Some of them will reject the content after multiple revisions or just after submission. This is why you’re going to need a lot of patience if you want to be a successful online writer.

  1. Freelance Writers Enjoy Work Flexibility

When you’re a freelance copywriter, you’ll enjoy a lot of work flexibility. You can work from home, during a vacation, while you are at school, etc. Online jobs for writers give you control of your time.

  1. Freelancing Requires Discipline

You may enjoy the flexibility that comes with being an online writer. However, it must be accompanied by discipline. It takes a lot of discipline to say no to social calls when you have a deadline to meet. If you’re not disciplined, you may not succeed as an online writer.

  1. Clients With Specific Instructions Are The Best

Some clients may give you a one-line instruction for content as long as five thousand words. Others will give you a thousand words worth of instructions for the same length of content. The one who gives specific instructions will be less likely to demand multiple revisions as long as you follow them.

  1. You Don’t Need Too Much Capital

This is the best part about being a copywriter, you don’t need to spend all your savings to start up the business. All you need is to build an online presence.

Copywriters, ThesisHelpers, fiction writers, technical writers and writers in every niche can become successful with the right mindset.