How to Decorate Your Apartment by Upcycling

How to Decorate Your Apartment by Upcycling

Are you looking for a budget-friendly way to decorate your apartment home while benefiting the environment? Upcycling allows you to get creative and give new life to unwanted items. As long as you’re willing to do a little digging and put in the effort, the possibilities are endless. Let’s get started on the path to upcycling!

Where to Begin your Upcycling Journey

To start, you’ve got to find the right materials. The places you’re most likely to find success are at a thrift store or a garage sale, but there are a few other options. If you look around college dorms or housing when semesters are ending or beginning, you can find treasure. Many furniture pieces only need a little love and refurbishing, but most students don’t want the hassle of taking those items back home with them, so they get discarded.

You can also check out Craigslist if you’re looking for specific items. For instance, if you want to find vintage hardware to install on a dresser or door, you might just offer to purchase them separately from the furniture pieces. Don’t forget to check out the public library, too, for any vintage books for sale.

The Best Raw Materials

Now that you know where to look, we can focus on what to look for. Shipping pallets, for instance, can be transformed into a variety of different furniture. You create a standing shoe-rack, a coffee table, a TV stand, and more with a few pallets.

If you’re going for a stained wood effect, make sure to prepare the pallet for staining. For a dark-brown stain, sand the pallet thoroughly and use a tack cloth to remove any dust, and then apply a wood conditioner to assist in evenly absorbing the stain. After applying the stain, be sure to apply a top coat.

You can easily use vintage books to create a unique shelving unit or just for decoration. Cloth or leather bound books work best. Buy two sets of brackets, one for the bottom of the book and one above, on each end respectively. Measure the thickness of the book to determine spacing, then drill your holes and install the brackets. Finally, slide the book in between the brackets and place whatever lightweight item you want on top, if any.

Buy the Right Tools

Tools and materials are one place you don’t want to skimp. If you’re refurbishing a chair, get quality adhesives and strong fabric for the cushion. Make sure to use waterproof paint or primer where necessary. Always make a list of materials needed before you start working.