Tricks About Drain Cleaning You Wish You Knew Before

Tricks About Drain Cleaning You Wish You Knew Before

Drain clogging is one of the commonest plumbing problems in most homes and commercial properties. This is due to the continuous buildup of solid materials such as hair, or chemicals like food products, and grease.

When faced with such problems as this, whether in the home or commercial property, it is recommended that you choose Flo-Well for your Kent drain unblocking needs. However, there are some cases where you may not have experienced the worst of drain clogs and may wish to attempt possible easing of the drain for proper outflow of water.

Below are some of the tips and tricks to help you better manage drain clog.

  • Hot water may be a good ally for the trick

While this appears to be a simple suggestion, hot water presents you with a whole lot of benefits, especially with regards to clogged drains and easing of buildup. How water can be used to cleanse the clogged drain and return it to peak and optimal condition, especially if it has been clogged by grease buildup. Flushing of the drain pipes with hot water can be used to dislodge grease and other materials which may have been built up in the pipes. A combination of water pressure, heat and force may be able to push off the clogs out of your pipes for better drainage.

To ensure that you get the best result, it is recommended that you try running hot water through the drain for between 10 to 15 minutes. Chances are that the heat will be enough to melt grease and oil buildup while also easing the flow of the gunk out of the pipes.

  • Use tools you already have

While you should reach out to a professional for your drain unclogging needs, you may also attempt to unclog the drains using the tools you already have in your home. Before going out to purchase cleaning tools or calling on a professional, you may want to make use of some of the simple and available tools at home including the plunger.

The plunger can be used as a perfect solution for unclogging the sink drains. To ensure an even more effective solution, it is recommended that you use a sink plunger.

Whichever plunger is available for use, you can essentially apply the same technique to drain cleaning and this is by covering the entire drain opening with plunger and press back and forth in a continuous, fluid motion for a minute or two. It is recommended that you take care not to avoid jamming the plunger down the drain with excess force or speed.

If the drain is equipped with an overflow vent, also ensure that it is properly covered to allow adequate pressure application.

  • Homemade liquid cleaners

In the event that the technique above becomes impractical, or fails to alleviate the clogged drain, you may choose to employ the use of homemade liquid cleaners which can prove effective in unclogging the drain. A most effective solution which can be adopted for the home is a combination of baking soda and vinegar. These products are readily available in the home and can break down some clogs within the pipe.

To get the best result, pour one cup of baking soda and an equal volume of vinegar down the drain and wait for a couple of minutes after which you should follow it with hot water.

  • Drain snake can come in handy

A drain snake, if you already don’t have one, can come in handy, especially in dealing with clogged drains. Being one of the tools used by professional plumbers, you can visit a local hardware store to get one. To make use of the DIY snaking technique, start by fitting the snake through the drain pipes and turn it in clockwise direction till you encounter resistance caused by blockage. Rotate the snake at the point of the resistance to it latches onto the material clogging the pipe. Pull out the snake from the drain slowly till you can extract the clogged material.

Ensure that the drain cover is carefully assembled after removal of the clog.

Prevention tips to keep your drain running well

One of the best ways to save you from the stress of dealing with drain clogs is taking proper preventative and precautionary measures. It is suggested that you seek out a professional plumber who will perform routine maintenance service on a monthly basis to ensure easy flow of waste water out of the home. In addition, it is recommended that you subscribe to annual plumbing maintenance service.

Beyond these, ensure that you are careful of the materials flushed down the drain.