Effective Ways to Support Your Favorite Businesses During COVID-19

Effective Ways to Support Your Favorite Businesses During COVID-19

The massive onset and continued threat of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on all of us. However, for many small business owners, this period has proven downright devastating. With many of us understandably opting to stay home in order to limit potential exposure risks, many independently-owned enterprises have found themselves reducing hours, laying off staff and, in some cases, closing their doors altogether. Fortunately, even with the novel coronavirus and its many variants continuing to present an active danger to public health, it’s entirely possible to support your favorite small businesses.

Adhere to Masking and Distancing Rules

Throughout the course of this pandemic, many businesses have had to contend with patrons who refuse to comply with masking and distancing rules. In addition to making everyone present less safe, disobeying these rules places an establishment’s proprietors and employees in a tough spot. After all, their jobs are difficult enough without having to deal with people who have zero concern for public health. Furthermore, if a business becomes a known hotspot for COVID-19 infections, this is likely to deter people from stopping in.

With all this in mind, make a point of adhering to masking and distancing rules when visiting businesses or other public places. This simple step will enhance your safety and help curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. Additionally, it will make things a lot less stressful for the individuals who own and operate your favorite businesses.

Even if a business isn’t currently enforcing masking and/or distancing rules, it’s in everyone’s best interest that you adhere to them. Given the highly infectious nature of the Omicron variant – and various other strains of COVID-19 – masking and distancing are strongly recommended at the present time, regardless of whether or not you’re fully vaccinated.

Don’t Enter Businesses if You Have an Active COVID-19 Infection

As stated above, a business that is seen as a prime infection spot is liable to have trouble hanging on to patrons. Unsurprisingly, venturing out into public with an active COVID-19 infection stands to create a host of new infections. Since a single individual can be responsible for multiple infection clusters, it’s important for everyone suffering from COVID-19 to stay home – unless, of course, they require medical attention. So, no matter how careful you are, entering a business while nursing an active COVID infection represents an unwise – and frankly, selfish – decision.

Shop Online

If any of your favorite stores have online shopping options, now would be the ideal time to take advantage of them. In addition to being extremely convenient, shopping online is a great way to help curb the spread and minimize potential exposure risks. In light of the threat presented by COVID-19, many businesses that didn’t used to have online components have come to embrace remote shopping.

Contactless pickup can also help minimize your risk of exposure. Although the exact mechanics vary from business to business, this generally entails making purchases online, driving to the store and checking in on an app once you’re in the parking lot. Employees will then bring your purchases outside and load them into your vehicle. While you may miss the experience of actually being inside of a store, this approach to shopping will ultimately keep you – and by extension, the people around you – much safer.

Place Takeout Orders from Your Favorite Restaurants

Although dining out currently carries a number of risks, you can still enjoy meals from your favorite restaurants while providing their proprietors with financial support. Placing takeout orders and enjoying your food from the comfort and safety of home represents a win for everyone involved. For example, if you used to dine out once a week, simply transition to ordering takeout on a weekly basis. Phoenix residents looking for their Cajun seafood fix should place a takeout order from Angry Crab Shack on Indian School Rd.

With the COVID-19 pandemic heading into its third year, many of us are understandably experiencing pandemic fatigue. However, as much as we’d like to resume our pre-COVID routines, it’s still too early for a full return to normalcy – particularly with the Omicron variant shattering infection records left and right. Luckily, this doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to support your favorite local businesses. With the help of the measures discussed above, you can help keep your favorite establishments throughout this trying time.