The Essential Power Tools You Must Have At Home

The Essential Power Tools You Must Have At Home

It doesn’t matter if you’re keen on doing all your own work at home or if you prefer to employ someone when you have a job that needs doing; there are still an array of essential power tools that you must have at home.

These power tools are alongside the standard screwdrivers, Stanley knives and a good selection of odd and ends.

The important thing to remember when purchasing these power tools is that you need to use a reputable supplier of trade tools and make sure you pick the best you can afford. This will help to ensure they give you years of service.

The Cordless Drill

Whether you need to drill a hole or tighten a screw you’ll find it much easier with a good cordless drill.

Let’s face it, the majority of the work you do round the home will involve drilling a hole. Whether you’re putting a shelf up or building a stud wall; the cordless drill will give you the freedom to just get on with the job.

Of course the fact that it is also a powerful screwdriver means that whenever you want you can put anything together, or even just take it apart.

The Rotary Tool

This will allow you to drill tiny holes but it can also be a great way of polishing surfaces, cutting pipes and even etching your glass.

If you ever find yourself doing some plumbing work you’ll be grateful you have one of these in your tool box.

Dremel may be the most well known of the rotary tools but that doesn’t mean it’s the one you have to buy; there are plenty of other options.

Cordless Circular Saw

At some point you’re going to need to cut a piece of wood. You can do it by hand but it will take you a fraction of the time and be straighter if you use a cordless circular saw.

Of course you could opt for a table saw but these are expensive and take up a lot of space; as well as probably not being something that you use very often.

You’ll need to pick the right size saw for your needs. The most popular and the best one for most needs is the 6 ½ inch; it’s a good idea to add a laser guide to it.

Electric Sander

There are a variety of different sanders available to use but the best one to get will be the palm sander. This is a small orbital sander usually round 5” in diameter.

At the moment you may think that you rarely sand anything, but once you’ve got the palm sander you’ll realize how useful this is and how often you’ll want to use it.

The Vacuum

This may not sound like a power tool but it is the most effective way of clearing up any mess. Whether you’ve been doing some DIY or have experienced a burst pipe. The wet and dry vacuum will help you to deal with the matter.

(Photo by Russ Hendricks)