Factors To Consider While Planting A New Tree From Where A Tree Was Abducted

Factors To Consider While Planting A New Tree From Where A Tree Was Abducted

Trees are lovely sites to look at only if they are well kept. Coupled with the fact that they are an essential part of nature, the more trees there are, the more beneficial it is not just for us but also for wildlife.

But once these trees start posing problems, they aren’t lovable enough. Their falling thick branches can cause major mishaps also, maintaining and cleaning the lawn can become a task.

The reason to hire tree removal experts in Sydney is pretty understandable. It eases your work of maintaining and cleaning and assures you that your tree is in the right hands. So the chore won’t affect their growth in the future.

But even after hiring an expert, questions like, can I plant a new tree in the same spot where a tree was abducted from, might linger around your mind. Well, the answer is yes, subjected to valid considerations.

Keep reading to know the facts you need to consider before planting a new tree in the same spot.

Removal of trees or stumps impacts the portion of soil it was planted in. It is likely to have lesser nutrients compared to the rest of your garden. Further, if chemical or other artificial components were used to remove the tree, there is a high chance the residues might still be carrying those components. Such dispositions don’t make the area ideal for breeding purposes.

So understanding the ecosystem and soil conditions before replanting in the place of abduction is essential.

  • Considering the Time to Replant

Putrefaction of roots from your previous tree is not an overnight process. The process might even take longer than just a few weeks. Besides tree removal experts in Sydney, the process of decomposition can take months.

So it is better to wait for a year or half before replanting a new one in the same spot. Also, remember that microorganisms might still be working to rehabilitate the soil. Consequently, considering the ecology along with time is significant.

  • The Tree You are Planning to Plant

When you are considering replanting in the same spot, there are a few things you need to consider with the new one. Aspects like, how large could the new plant get? Question-related to its maintenance. Its suitability to the landscape and impact on the neighboring trees and many more.

Assessing these questions can help you avoid unfair costs and other related misfortunes in the future.


Damage or diseased trees do require immediate treatment that could end up abducting the whole tree. But it certainly doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to replant a new one in the same spot.

It does require considering a few factors before doing so because the new one might get negatively impacted by the old residue. However, abduction of the tree with the help of tree removal experts in Sydney doesn’t require worrying about such facts.