How Fitness Changed My Life

How Fitness Changed My Life

Fitness is a whole different world for those who want to start from scratch. It seems like people speak a different language, eat differently, and behave in unexpected ways. The ones who are more dedicated and passionate about it would make fitness a kind of religion, and a lot of people question that. But in my life experience, I realized how fitness was not precisely how everybody picture. With time, I changed my perspective on what it was to live healthier, and fitness changed my life in return.

For those who were once bullied…

Bullying is a plague today, and it was no different a few years back. When I was in high school, I was not a sporty guy. Still now, I rather sit back and talk to my friends than going for a soccer match. For that reason, and because I was a bit nerdy as well, I was bullied at school and was always considered a weakling. And I was.

It’s not only me; many people don’t feel any particular interest in sports. In this group of people, most have never used weights in their life. For them, being at the gym, using machines they don’t know how to use, and let people stare is very uncomfortable. But there’s always something that makes them take the first step. A medical condition, joining your friends, being more attractive, or maybe all of them. If something is attracting you to the fitness world, don’t be scared. Even if you don’t have any kind of experience, the first steps are not so bad.

First steps into the fitness world

When you hit the gym for the first time, that can be the scariest thing in the world. Maybe you’ve seen it before somewhere, but being there is a whole different thing. At first, you don’t know where to sit, try not to disturb everyone else, and feel kind of awkward. Have you ever been there? It’s exactly how I felt during my first week or so, but nobody said changes are easy to make.

The best thing you can do to overcome that first impression is going with your friends. Being together makes things easier for new guys. But most my friends were nerdy like me, and nobody was interested in this world. I came with my brother, who was younger than me and he thought I was going to guide him. Even lifting the bar with no additional weight was a pain, and the muscle soreness the day after was monumental.

Later in life, I learned that you shouldn’t strain yourself too much during your first week or so. You will feel better with light weights, and even if you think you’re not making any effort, you will thank me the day after. In time, you will be able to lift heavier with no muscle pain. It will be replaced by a mild, non-crippling soreness that indicates you worked it out the day before. I learned all of those useful tips after searching on the Internet. Later, I understood how important it is to be careful about the sources we choose on the web. One website I really trust is la fitness reviews, as they always provide me with useful and reliable information.

Progression and early changes

A tip for starters: Enjoy your first changes! After the first weeks are passed, there will be no more crippling soreness, and you will start noticing changes. You won’t have massive legs and chest after the first month, but you will see something’s different. This early stage is when you will progress more rapidly, as it happened to me. I learned to use the machines and weights properly, and I was soon increasing weight. I was no longer lifting the bar alone, and I was kind of proud about it.

But don’t be impressed if you see that initial progression halt. There’s a moment it seems you get stuck. In my case, it happened after 4 months, and after that time I no longer saw any more results than before. It was because my training was somewhat incomplete, I didn’t know much about fitness, and I was missing a few points.

What real fitness is

Soon I understood fitness is not only about lifting weights and looking good. It’s a lifestyle, a passion, and a flame. When you start to understand that, you finally grasp the importance of nutrition and healthy living. Your habits begin to change when you realize certain foods are terrible for your health, and your body shows. Those extra pounds are not just covering your abs; they are a sign of something bigger going on inside.

When I realized how my body was a reflection of my health, I became interested in how it works. I understood the difference between processed food and healthier choices, between good carbohydrates and those I needed to avoid, the importance of fiber, and so many other things… I realized I gave my body the building blocks for whatever I wanted, either good or bad.

Even if I started this journey from the opposite side, soon I realized fitness is more than showing muscle. I began to prepare for a marathon that was being advertised in my city. I remember my nerdy friends were impressed because I have never done any kind of sports before. But I took it seriously and asked for professional guidance on how to prepare for the event. I won’t lie, I didn’t win, but I completed the whole thing, and I was not the last one in the finish line.

My experience in my first marathon was impressive and changed my life forever. It was a surge of adrenaline and emotion I have never felt before. And it was motivating to see how my body was changing, how my performance and resistance improved from my training. That’s when I realized the real power of fitness: achieving a better version of yourself, being stronger for those who need you, racing faster, learning to overcome challenges motivating yourself and others.

In time, two of my nerdy friends asked me to “train them.” I was deeply moved to see how I suddenly became a role model for them. They were really motivated, and it was because of me. Definitely, fitness is a whole new world full of challenges and surprises. So, whatever your motivation is, start by looking for reliable information, and go ahead to take your first step.