Flicking The Switch – Why Switching To Solar is Easy

Flicking The Switch – Why Switching To Solar is Easy

We live in the digital age, a time of constant change, invention and innovation. We all have things in our homes, that just a few years ago were gadgets reserved for sci-fi movies. A mobile unit in your hand, that would feature a music player, a telephone, camera, location-tracker and had the ability to answer almost any question you might have was a ridiculous thought. Things like Smart TV’s, being able to monitor your home from afar, wireless internet, Alexis and Siri to talk were simply unimaginable.

However, nowadays, these technologies are everywhere, we have come to accept them as part of our daily life and enjoy the benefits they offer. Clean energy sources like solar have also improved immensely over the last number of years, are now much more affordable and offer countless benefits to homeowners and businesses alike. Many people think to make the switch to solar power is difficult but nothing could be further from the truth. There are a lot of misconceptions and misinformation about solar energy, one of which is that it’s difficult to implement a solar power system in your home.

Continue reading to find out just how easy it is to switch to solar and how making the switch to renewable energy can benefit you going forward.

This Is Not A DIY Project

There are many projects that are perfectly safe for you to try your hand at in your home but installing a solar system is not one of them. This is one job that you should always leave to the experts as with their experience and knowledge, you can be sure that they will install the panels correctly to get optimal results. There are companies that specialize in solar system installation, energy storage, monitoring software, maintenance and various combinations of these. By going with a reputable company, you will ultimately save time and money and be able to enjoy the benefits of solar power quickly without any hassle.

Preparing For An Installation

 The first step in any solar installation will be for a site visit to be carried out to assess your exact power consumption needs in order to ascertain which solar system installation package will suit you. During the site visit, the installation company will determine the optimal position for the solar panels and your energy storage unit. They will also give you quotes for different packages that you can choose from. This may include installation of the hardware, batteries, software, maintenance or a combination that suits your budget. With their experience, making the move to solar power is a very simple process.

Know What’s On Offer

 The Australian Government has put a Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) in place to assist you to pay for a portion of the initial cost of your new solar power system.  You can use the STC (Small-scale Technology Certificate) that they issue to get a rebate on your system or you can sell the certificate. There are different FIT and incentives available for businesses and homes in Australia. If in any doubt, just ask the installer of your solar system to explain how the Feed-in Tariff system works.

What Will Happen During Installation

 Once you’ve decided on the system you want, and placed the order, the company will confirm the installation date. Depending on the size of your system it might take more than a day or two to complete the installation. In some cases, special brackets will have to be made to optimise the solar panel angle on the roof. Once the panels are in position and connected to each other, cables running from the panels will be laid according to the best route and location of the controller, energy storage unit, inverter and computer system, or any combination thereof, making the entire process very simple.

What To Expect After The Installation

In a month or two after the installation, you will begin to notice a big difference in your utility bill. And, as you might expect, this will continue as long as the sun shines. It’s pretty incredible to think that that fireball in the sky, 152 million kilometres away is providing you with the energy you need to create electricity for your home. Once you’re up and running, maintenance is very minimal since the panels have no moving parts, meaning you can sit back, relax and enjoy the savings.

Embrace The New Technology

Solar energy is here to stay and is growing in popularity in Australia and around the world. Making the switch is easy. All you need to do is decide that you want to make a change for the better that will allow you to save money, power your home more efficiently and potentially make some extra money from feed-in tariffs. Embrace solar and feel good about the positive contribution you will be making towards ensuring our world a better and cleaner place to live for everybody.