Get a Good Night’s Sleep: 8 Sleep Tips for Teens!

Get a Good Night’s Sleep: 8 Sleep Tips for Teens!

There is some truth to that pesky saying about waking up on the wrong side of the bed. For growing teens like yourself, sleep may be one of the most important things to get for your body and brain. The quality of your sleep may be just as important as the quantity of hours of sleep you get.

Consider these 8 sleep tips which may help you wake up feeling refreshed!

  1. Try avoiding caffeine!

This may be obvious but if you don’t already know this: avoid caffeine for four to six hours before bedtime. Caffeine acts as a stimulant to keep you awake and certainly does not help you get to those vital Zs that you need. Now certain drinks like coffee or soda may be a no brainer but there are other items with caffeine too, such as certain teas, medications, and even chocolate! Be sure to review the packaging to see if there is any caffeine.

  1. A sleep routine might get you sleeping soundly!

Although we are a little bit more complicated than dogs, we still share some of the same behavioral characteristics. Give us a treat and we will do tricks! Well, not exactly… If you follow a simple routine to calm down before bed you are likely to have a better night’s sleep as your preparation becomes habitual. Try taking a relaxing bath or reading a fiction book! Avoid talking about stressful events about the day which can cause you to get wound up.

  1. Try using sleep gadgets!

There are so many wonderful sleep gadgets on the market to improve your quality of sleep, from sleep trackers and bed cooling systems to white noise machines or special sleep light bulbs. Try to get high tech with your sleep!  A solid sleep tracker like the Dreem, Withings Sleep, BeautyRest Sleep Tracker, or Fitbit Versa Smart Watch can give you an analysis of each night of how you slept so you can measure whether or not you are moving in the right direction to improve your sleep.

If you find yourself getting too hot when you sleep, there are even cooling systems such as the Bedjet, Chilipad, Kyro Sleep, or Moona Pillow to keep you sleeping at the perfect ambient temperature. Check out a comprehensive review of the bed temperature regulators here for a more detailed discussion of using sleep gadgets to improve your sleep quality.

  1. Think about reducing those long naps!

I know we all love a good nap during the afternoon but those long naps may be the culprit of a troubled night’s sleep. They can confuse your internal clock, meaning that you may struggle to go to sleep when it’s supposed to be time to go to bed. However, if you are used to sleeping during the day and sleep well, don’t fret! The effects of napping are not universal and vary from person to person.

  1. Postpone those large meals before sleep!

Eating an extra-large pepperoni pizza before sleep is a recipe for a poor night’s sleep. Digesting large meals like that will often cause indigestion and disrupt your sleep. You should eat your last big meal for 2 to 3 hours before bed. If you are up for a few hours after your last meal, try snacking on foods that, in your experience, won’t disturb your sleep. Common foods that disturb sleep include dairy foods and carbohydrates.

  1. Try making your bedroom an oasis!

Always try to optimize your bedroom for sleep. Make it inviting! Try to minimize noise and lights. Avoid keeping electronics on in your room while you sleep. Nighttime is your time to calm down and get ready for sleep. Make sure your bedroom is a quiet, clean, and relaxing place for you to drift off and count sheep. You want a bed that has a comfy pillow and is big enough for you to stretch out. And just like the three little pigs, you don’t want your room too hot or too cold! You want it just right!

  1. Talk to a doctor!

While you may feel embarrassed, consider talking to a doctor about any sleep troubles you may have. There are underlying health conditions such as sleep apnea which causes interrupted breathing patterns during sleep. Sleep is super important and doctors can be a great resource for you!