Getting The Best Out Of Your Paid Campaigns

Getting The Best Out Of Your Paid Campaigns

Many businesses are united by the mistakes they make. This statement may sound profound, but it is entirely true. A large number of businesses, develop a great product or a service, and put in a lot of efforts to get it to the market. However, they often attempt the digital marketing themselves, by trying to perform a specialist task outside their domain and end up finding results that are nowhere near the actual potential. It is very important for businesses to understand that digital marketing requires a certain level of expertise for success.  Here are a few observations of errors commonly seen in businesses that manage their own campaigns.

Targeting The Wrong Landing Pages

Many businesses often plan and roll out an effective campaign, by picking the right adwords. However, most of the businesses without specialist advice, often end up bringing visitors through the campaign to the wrong page. The home page is often the page where visitors land up from a campaign. There can nothing more erroneous than this concept. Your company may have many products or services. Or the adwords may be relevant to a particular feature or aspect that is the differentiator in your service or product. Do you really think that by getting a visitor on your home page or on an irrelevant page, you stand a better change of conversion or micro conversion? No. The landing page needs to be relevant to the adwords.

Not Using The Negative Bidding Effectively

This is another common error seen in businesses. A business may have created a product or a service that is of use only to prospects of specific locations. For instance, a product that is meant for use by residents in locations where snowfall is experienced, may not be useful for residents in locations that do not experience snowfall. This effectively means that the adwords should be targeted at locations that have the right kind of prospects. To ensure that the ads do not reach other locations, you will have to bid negatively for the regions that should not be targeted. Businesses, who are not aware of this simple method, may typically end up releasing budgets for adwords in locations that will not bring business. With Joe Balestrino’s Adwords management services business owners can look forward to the full suite of specialised services, including geotargeting.

Include The Mobile Route For Optimization

We are officially in the digital era. And this includes the choice of the digital natives in using mobiles for most of their internet interactions. Mobiles are becoming the devices of choice for customers launching searches for a product or service. It therefore makes a lot of sense to optimize campaigns to work on mobile platforms. You need to work out the screen optimization of phones and tablets accordingly.  Businesses that do not optimize adwords campaign for mobiles are bound to miss the bus, in the digital marketing race.  You could target a combination of desktop and mobile users in your campaigns. While mobiles users are growing explosively, it is also important to continue targeting desktop users also, depending on the nature of your services or products.