Healthy Lunchbox Ideas for Toddlers

Healthy Lunchbox Ideas for Toddlers

Your Toddler’s Lunchbox Made Easy

Any parent will tell you, when it comes to providing a nutritious, delicious lunch for your toddler every day of the week, it’s no small task coming up with new and varied ideas. Much easier to fall back on easy, less healthier items simply because, really, who’s got time these days? You’ve got enough on your plate already.

However, with a bit of practical know-how, that the little one’s lunch box can consist of nothing but fresh produce, all of which is surprisingly easy to prepare and, crucially, ticks every box when it comes to that all important balanced diet. So, here’s a few ideas that mean you’ll never be short of inspiration when you’ve got small yet hungry mouths to feed.

Variation Is Key

As a basic rule, you want to include at least one item of fruit, veg, protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Keep those five in mind and you won’t go far wrong. Similarly, you might want to keep some pasta on standby, because it’s the kind of staple that can always be cooked in ten minutes or less, plus you can easily make enough for next time. And what’s great is, as we all know, there isn’t a cooked or raw vegetable that doesn’t go with pasta. In effect, it’s an easy way to include peas, sweetcorn, cauliflower, green beans or cucumber into your little one’s diet without them even realising they’re taking the super-healthy option.

Sandwiches That Work


Obviously, a whole sandwich may be a bit much for your toddler to take on just yet, but by cutting one into strips, removing the crusts or serving the bread and filling side-by-side, it can become a reliable lunchtime mainstay. A favourite meat with a healthy wholegrain bread, for instance, can be cut down into easy to manage cubes, and served with a side of fruit. Hummus and pitta is another great option, as is an egg salad served on a soft brown roll, again, cut down into small, easy to digest pieces.

Breakfast For Lunch
Because, when you think about it, who doesn’t want breakfast for lunch? And there’s absolutely no reason breakfast food can’t be tweaked and served as a great lunchtime snack. It’s a way to use up those leftovers, and a smoothie can also include a selection of hidden vegetables as well as all that fruit. Another way to go is yogurt with granola and fruit. Or, a batch of muffins made ahead of time can be served up with a wide variety of different, tasty ingredients: eggs, bacon, spinach, to name but a few. In fact, eggs can always be scrambled, boiled or turned into omelettes ready to solve that last-minute lunchtime conundrum

A Snack Plate Couldn’t Be Easier

A simple snack plate can include an array of appealing and invigorating ingredients, all of which can be put together with the absolute minimum of fuss time and time again. Simple whole grain crackers and chopped cheese can be combined with fruit or a veggie option like some carrot sticks or sugar snap peas. Sliced ham or chicken can also be included, as can avacado, nuts, cherry tomatoes and chopped hard boiled eggs. Simply put, a combination of healthy foods that can be easily alternated, and prepared in a matter of minutes. And for further tips on saving yourself time and energy, go to Starwalkkids, where you’ll find even more useful ways of taking the stress out of lunchtime and putting the fun back instead.