Hey, you! Do you want to increase your streams on Apple Music?

Hey, you! Do you want to increase your streams on Apple Music?

Apple Music is one of the biggest streaming platforms in the world, and with a subscription, it offers access to millions of songs by professional, famous, or beginner artists, as well as to radio stations. It’s also a fast-growing platform, so competition is quite fierce.

That’s why you need a strong marketing strategy if you want to establish yourself as an artist on Apple Music.

Are you ready to share your music with the world?

Are you ready to gain popularity?

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Create an artist profile

First of all, if you are an independent artist and haven’t signed any label with a relationship with Apple or Itunes, then you must utilize an aggregator. An aggregator distributes your music on this platform for a fixed amount of money. After you deal with this, you will be able to claim your artist account and start managing it.

While working on the account focusing on the profile picture and the biography is essential. When people visit your account these are the things that they see first, and if they aren’t impressed and find them quite boring, it’s likely that they won’t listen to your songs.

Use your profile to make a good first impression on your potential followers.

Make sure that your profile picture captures the essence and aura of your music. In addition to this, use the bio section to explain to your followers or potential followers what they should expect from you. List your musical achievements but not in a monotonous and boring way. You can use unison.audio to create music

2.     Use social media to promote

Even though your goal is to gain more followers and streams on Apple Music, you shouldn’t be promoting your content only on this platform. Fortunately, in the 21st century, you have access to all kinds of social media networks that are perfect for promotion. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat – you can use all of them to get the word out about your music. With support from your friends, family members, and people you have managed to connect with on social media, you will have a small but valuable community on Apple music. Use your other social media accounts to make important announcements about your music.

3.  Increase your social activity on Apple Music

The algorithm on Apple Music works similar to the algorithms on other social media platforms. That means that the higher your social activity or presence is, the more your content will appear on your followers’ news feeds. That’s why being active and interacting with other users is so important on Apple Music. If you want to become popular here, you can’t go very far without the right communication.

Like, comment and reply!

Whenever your followers comment on your song, try to reply and thank them for listening to your track. The more they feel appreciated, the longer you’ll keep them interested in your content. Try to keep the conversation going and ask them some questions, like: What should I do next? What genre would you like to listen to next?

You can raise your social presence not only with engagement with your followers but other artists, too. Listen to the artists who are into similar genres as you and leave some positive comments. It raises the chances of their followers discovering you and listening to your music. Also, music enthusiasts really love beginner artists supporting other beginner artists, so it might help your reputation, as well.

4. Don’t forget to be consistent

Being consistent is one of the most effective strategies on Apple Music. How many songs of your favorite artists do you know? One? Two? Ten? You won’t say that someone is your favorite or one of your favorite artists if you know one song by him or her. That’s why uploading content frequently is so essential for becoming popular. When your followers hear more and more songs by you, they become more invested in your music.

It’s quite difficult to create music by a schedule because the art requires inspiration. But once you get used to working according to the schedule, it will become easier and easier.

5.   Utilize Apple’s analytics

Fortunately for you, Apple offers some excellent tools to analyze your audience and improve your marketing strategy. Just like in any business or platform, you can’t achieve success on Apple Music unless you know your audience quite well and make some adjustments for your followers. You can discover many things, such as who listens to your music, when and how. In addition to this, you can find out which of your songs generate the biggest engagement and decide what your next move is going to be based on that. Apple’s analytics measures your music performance in several categories, so make sure you understand all of them.

One thing the analytics can’t tell you is that people tend to like popular songs. It’s one of the reasons why it’s hard to become successful fast when you are a beginner and have a small number of followers. So, some people find an easier way and buy Apple Music streams. A higher number of streams maximizes their reach and increases their followers, too.

6. Get verified

What’s so special about this tiny blue tick?

Well, it may not look all fancy, but it’s significant on all social media platforms and Apple Music, as well. It should be your long term goal since getting verified requires lots of followers and plays. But it offers lots of benefits and is worth all the effort and hard work. To start with, it sends a strong message about you as an artist and the content you provide. Your account looks more professional and legit! All the steps and strategies mentioned above will help you get verified as soon as possible.

Last but not least important is to not to lose patience. Fame and popularity don’t come overnight, and it requires some time and work. So, remain calm and continue creating music! You will get there!