How Often Should You Change Your Thermostat Temperature?

How Often Should You Change Your Thermostat Temperature?

Your thermostat is an essential part of your heating and cooling system, it ensures you can easily adjust the temperature in your home.

But, how do you set the thermostat and how often should you change its temperature?

Energy Costs

The main considerate with temperature setting is the energy cost. The more your heating r cooling system is on, the greater your energy consumption and the higher your energy bills will be.

In short, the closer your thermostat is to the outside temperature the less work your system will need to do and the cheaper it will be.

Of course, you can have your thermostat set to 90°F when it’s 90°F outside, it will ruin the point of purchasing a quality air conditioning in Sydney, or wherever you’re located.

This leaves you with two options:

  1. Keeping the thermostat at one temperature
  2. Adjusting It throughout the day

Adopting One Temperature

This almost negates the point of having a thermostat! It has to be said that choosing a temperature and sticking to it is convenient and you’ll find it comforting, as well as reassuring, that your home is always the same temperature.

It will help you to relax and unwind, although it may not help tolerances with extreme cold or heat.

Unfortunately, this is not the most economical way to run your heating and cooling system. The system will need to work much of the time to maintain this temperature as the temperature outside fluctuates.

It’s also worth noting that keeping the house temperature constant can cause you to experience energy leakage. When you heat, or cool, your home it will need to be hotter in one part, to ensure that the right temperature is reached at the furthest point from the heating or cooling source.

Of course, the more the heat rises in one area of your house the easier it will find it to escape to a cooler zone, namely outside. The same is true for cooling on a warm day, excess cooling will effectively invite heat n.

You don’t really want to be spending your money trying to heat or cool the outside!

Varying The Temperature

The secret to minimizing energy usage is to maintain a temperature that is as close to the outside temperature as comfortably possible. Put simply, the closer your thermostat is to the outside temperature the less work your system will need to do.

What you need to do is adjust your thermostat 2 or 3 times a day. Overnight the temperature can be very close to the outside temperature as you will be sleeping, a cooler house is better for sleeping properly.

In the daytime, you’ll need to adjust the thermostat to close to the outside temperature when you’re out for the day. You can then adjust after our day at work but try to leave it 5° warmer, (in the summer), or cooler, (in the winter) than you usually do. You’ll be surprised at how little difference it makes to your comfort and how much difference it makes to your energy bills.