How Safe are Carnival Rides?

How Safe are Carnival Rides?

While carnival accidents may be few and far between, most people can’t help but remember the gruesome incidents shown on the news. Granted, most of these have happened at amusement parks, but the scary truth is that carnival rides may be even more dangerous.

Who inspects carnival rides?

Each state has their own regulating agencies that deal with amusement park and carnival rides, but most people agree that none of the states handle this task as well as they could. Most have too few inspectors and not enough clearly-outlined regulations to keep these rides safe. Take Ohio, for example. Their state reportedly has less than 10 inspectors on staff to check their more than 20 amusement parks across the state. This doesn’t even take into account the carnivals and festivals that receive temporary permits there every year.

In Texas, the laws are even more lax than Ohio, but they do require annual inspections for all carnival rides and require them to maintain large liability policies for each one. But with all the elements that go into the mechanical design of these rides, an annual inspection doesn’t seem to be sufficient. This is especially true when you consider the number of times such rides are disassembled, hauled long distances, and put back together. Unfortunately, there is no governing agency inspecting these rides every time they’re reassembled.

Carnival Rides-rules

Carnival ride regulations

Amusement parks have stricter regulations than carnival rides. They are considered fixed attractions and subject to inspections and safety criteria. Even in amusement parks, most people agree that the laws aren’t as strict as they should be.

One federal agency, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, investigates accidents and malfunctions in mobile rides, such as you’d find at carnivals. But for the day-to-day safety and compliance of these rides, each state has its own governing policies. For example, Alabama and Mississippi currently have no outlined policies in place for any type of ride, whether it be in a carnival or amusement park. But most other states at least require that all rides be registered and that the companies have insurance.

Canada, on the other hand, has much more rigorous safety standards for carnivals and amusement parks than the US. In fact, they’ve reported that only four percent of their injuries were caused by unsafe equipment. Instead, rider behavior is usually to blame.

How can you protect yourself at carnivals?

Unfortunately, much of the responsibility for carnival safety falls on its own visitors. And if you wish to keep your family safe, there are a number of things you need to do. First, inspect the rides yourself. While you may not know the inner workings of these machines, you can gather some obvious information to form your own conclusions. Do they look rickety in their movements or show a lot of signs of rust? Can you find a permit for the ride posted anywhere? Are the lights and safety latches working properly? Most of this information can lead you to the conclusion that it’s been too long since it was last inspected, and it’s a good idea to steer clear.

The second thing you can do is to follow all the rules. These rides have age, weight, and height requirements for a reason. Breaking these rules can damage the equipment and put you in danger. You should also check the restraints before you get in. Make sure they seem to be firmly attached and that you’re able to buckle them securely.

What should you do if you’re injured at a carnival?

If you or someone you’re with does happen to sustain an injury at a carnival, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. No matter where you are, the carnival owners should be at least partially responsible for the injury. This, of course, is usually reliant on whether or not it was caused by your own negligence or theirs. If they refuse to comply, the next course of action is to contact an attorney, such as a personal injury lawyer in Toronto. They can advise you about what to do next and represent you if the incident goes to court.

Carnivals and their rides are extremely fun, but they may not always be safe. It’s important to ask the carnival operators about their safety standards. If you happen to sustain an injury at a carnival, it’s crucial that you consult a personal injury lawyer to see if you are entitled to compensation.