How to Become More Self-Sufficient in All Areas of Your Life

How to Become More Self-Sufficient in All Areas of Your Life

Life is hard, and it’s good to have other people around you. Friends and family with whom you can share the good times and who will be with you throughout the bad.

But you can’t always rely on others. It’s important you don’t go through life feeling dependent on the people you love. Strong relationships are crucial, but self-sufficiency is one of the most essential characteristics a person can have.

Self-sufficiency is all about standing on your own two feet. Going through life with an independent spirit and overcoming any obstacles that come your way. It’s about providing the solutions to your own problems and having the strength to triumph through adversity. It doesn’t mean you can’t seek help from your loved ones, but it means you are self-assured in your own abilities and strengths.

So how can you be more self-sufficient? Here are some ways you can boost your independence in all areas of your life.

Identify your goals

In order to be self-sufficient, you need to know exactly what it is you want to achieve. Both in the immediate future and the long term. This way, you can live your life intentionally, striving to meet your objectives, celebrating your wins and learning from your mistakes. Most people have vague goals, but few people take the time to really think about them and pin them down.

What is it you want to achieve in your life? Make a list of your goals and rank them in order of priority. Perhaps you want to get that promotion at work or be able to afford your own house. Maybe your goal is to travel more or to spend more time with your children. Only by pinpointing these targets can you then take meaningful steps to achieving them.

When identifying your goals, it is important to ensure they are SMART goals. This means they should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Sensitive. As an example, if your goal is to be healthier, this is too vague and unfocused. A better goal might be to run a marathon by the time you are thirty, or lose a certain amount of weight by the end of the year. These goals allow you to track progress, and provide you a specific target to aim for that you can celebrate when you hit it.

You may find that your priorities and passions change over time, but it is always important to live your life in a goal-oriented way.

Make a plan

Now that you have identified your goals, how are you going to achieve them? You may just have one or two long term goals, or you might have a number of short term objectives you want to hit. But if you don’t have a plan, you are less likely to hit your target.

Work out what you need to do in order to get things done in the time you have specified. Make a list of necessary actions and milestones along the way and tick them off to get a sense of progress. By following this habit you will begin to live your life in a much more intentional way, and your self-sufficiency will skyrocket as you start to realise your dreams.

Keep on top of your health

If there’s one thing in life that you need to stay on top of, it’s your health. If you neglect your wellbeing when you are young, it will have disastrous consequences down the line. Making good decisions early will keep you strong and happy in your later years, and ensure you are able to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

There are many areas of your health to look after, from your diet and exercise regime to mental health and sleep. If you can make these a priority, you will notice huge improvements in your life and you will reduce your risk of serious illness down the line.

Make an effort to eat well, following a balanced diet with plenty of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Ensure your plate always features plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and limit unhealthy snacks to the occasional treat. Drinking alcohol and caffeine should be kept to a minimum, and avoid smoking at all costs.

If you don’t subscribe to a fitness regime, it’s a good idea to find a sport you can enjoy. This will increase your chances of keeping it up. It doesn’t matter whether it’s running, cycling, or kickboxing. Thirty minutes of moderate-intensity activity each day is enough to stave off health problems.

Avoid stressful triggers in your life which can damage your mental health and lead to anxiety and depression. If you are facing pressures in your personal or professional life, take steps to solve the problem. Meditate regularly and make time to switch off and get out in nature. Try to get eight hours of sleep each night and limit the amount of time you spend looking at screens. Your body will thank you for it.

Always be learning

The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to take care of yourself. Make it a constant habit to improve your knowledge and skills at every opportunity. If you’re not handy in the kitchen then teach yourself to cook delicious meals. This will reduce your reliance on takeaways and expensive restaurants, and will enable you to feed yourself in a healthy and satisfying manner.

Perhaps DIY is your weak point. So if you can’t tell a steel tube from a press valve and you are hopeless whenever something breaks in your house, consider taking a course or watching a few YouTube tutorials.

Whether it’s a new language, a musical instrument, or a new skill at work, all knowledge can build your character and improve your life. The more you know, the more interesting, attractive, and employable you will become.

Maintain your relationships

It’s easy to let our relationships fall into decline. With the rise of mobile technology, WhatsApp and Instagram can often seem like a perfectly good substitute for real life interaction. Before you know it, months have gone by without seeing your best friend or your favourite sibling.

Relationships, whether with friends or a family, are crucial for our wellbeing. Without meaningful communication, your mental health, self-esteem, and confidence can plummet. So don’t take them for granted. Male the effort to get in touch and keep things ticking along. Not everyone is great at this, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. Be self-sufficient by taking the initiative and nurturing the relationships that matter to you.

Look after your finances

Money isn’t everything, but financial security is one of the keys to a healthy and happy life. You don’t need to earn a fortune, but if you can keep yourself financially stable and debt-free, you will achieve a level of self-sufficiency that many people struggle to attain.

Earning a steady salary is one thing, but it’s not enough to ensure financial stability. You need to have a budget and keep an eye on your cash flow to ensure you are spending within your means. Track the money that comes in and out of your household, and work out how much you have to spend each month. Take steps to increase your earnings by working your way up in your career or investing wisely. And be sensible with how you choose to spend your money.

By following these tips, you will become more self-sufficient and independent in life. You will learn that you don’t need to rely on other people to be happy and healthy, and true success can only come from within.