How to Bring Back Visitors to Your Summer Camp

How to Bring Back Visitors to Your Summer Camp

The coronavirus pandemic has had a major impact on a wide variety of different jobs and companies- in fact, I doubt there are many people out there who haven’t been affected in one way or another. If you run or are part of the time at a summer camp, you’ll know all about this. The majority of your summer activities will most likely have been postponed, and you’ll, therefore, have missed out on a large sum of money. This means when you are able to open back up, you have to make sure you are properly equipped to do so. This is easier said than done, though, and that’s why I’m here today. Here’s how to bring back visitors to your summer camp.

Look at your marketing strategies

It’s obviously very difficult to get out into the public and physically advertise at the moment. A lot of potential customers are still at home for most daylight hours, and even when they do go out it tends to be for essential reasons- so they may not notice your advertising anyway. That’s why you have to make sure your marketing strategies are up to scratch. Your summer camp marketing, if on point, will provide a basis for you to attract back existing clients and new ones. One way to go about this could be hiring a company to do the work for you. It’s a lot easier said than done, and getting it the right first time is important- otherwise, other competing parks could nip in front of you to poach customers. Make sure you don’t let that happen!

Get your social media on point

Social media websites and apps offer some of the very best platforms to reach costumers and clients on. You’ll have known this already, but its importance has multiplied during the coronavirus situation. You now need to do everything you can to freshen up your social media pages. The most important thing to do is figure out which social media platforms will get you the most responses. This depends on the age of the camp members you’re trying to reach, so have a think about what’s popular these days. If they’re too young to have social media accounts, have a think about what ones their parents will be using- Facebook is always a safe option for all age groups.

Keep in contact with current members

It’s also vital that you maintain good relationships with the current members of your camps. If you don’t do this, it won’t matter how many new faces you bring in because you’ll just be losing members at the same rate. It’s very simple; just keep in contact with them. Even some small messages every couple of weeks, keeping them up to date with what’s happening and when you’ll be reopening, will go a long way to ensuring they’re still interested in the future. Again, social media is the best place to do this so make sure you’re familiar with how to utilize it all.