How to Get Rid Of Bees Naturally in Your Garden

How to Get Rid Of Bees Naturally in Your Garden

Bees make up an incredible part of the ecosystem. However, they can cause several troubles – like painful stings – when they reside near the house. Hence, getting rid of this insect is essential for your safety. But can this be achieved through natural means?

Experts at Wildlife X Team believe bees can be eliminated naturally. And this post shares some crucial tips for naturally getting rid of bees in your garden.

But first, what are the benefits of bees?

While no one likes getting stung by a bee, bees are essential in the ecosystem. First off, do you know that bees are responsible for pollinating about one-sixth of all fruit species? Examples of such fruits include apples, melons, cranberries, and almonds. Bees serve as important pollinators for home vegetables in the garden, like broccoli. What’s more, bee pollination helps provide healthy habitats for other insects and even birds.

But despite this importance, you should be wary of having bees around.

Why get rid of bees?

There are three primary reasons to get rid of bees. They include:

  • Preventing bee stings

If you’ve ever been stung by a bee, you need no explanation of how painful it is. Having bees in your garden increases the likelihood that you, your kids, or your pets will be stung while out playing in the yard.

  • Protecting those with bee allergies.

While an average adult can withstand up to 1,000 bee stings (and for children, 500 stings), one sting can be fatal for a person with bee allergies. Why? Because a sting may result in an anaphylactic reaction that drops blood pressure and blocks breathing.

  • Avoiding aggressive bees

Bees can sometimes go on the offensive, depending on the weather and other factors. The last thing you want is to have bees around you when they’re not in a good mood.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Bees

Thinking of getting rid of bees humanely? Here are some strategies to adopt:

  • Vinegar

While vinegar is a common household item with a long list of uses, only a few people know that it can be used to repel bees. All you need to do is combine equal parts of vinegar and water and spray the mixture in your garden. This easy-to-make product is environmentally friendly. However, it is only effective for dealing with a small number of bees.

  • Mothballs

The pungent scent of mothballs is discomforting to several animals, including bees. Hence, mothballs can be used to get rid of bees. Hang mothballs around your garden, property, and close to bee nests. The pungent scent will drive bees away in no time.

  • Bee-repelling plants

Do you know that bees hate certain plant species? By growing those plants, you can naturally keep bees at bay. Common bee-repelling plants include mint, Neem, citronella, Eucalyptus, and cloves.

Since these plants are easy to grow in pots and require little maintenance, they provide a stress-free way to get rid of bees while adding diversity to your garden.

  • Cinnamon

Cinnamon is particularly effective for getting rid of honey bees. Sprinkle cinnamon around their hive. Within a week, you can expect the smell to force them to relocate. Cinnamon is also effective for driving ground bees away. Visit to learn about carpenter bees, ground bees, other bee species, and the best repellents for keeping them away.

  • Essential oil

Essential oil is known as a natural pest control method – and they are effective for repelling wasps and bees. Whether it’s eucalyptus essential oil or cedar essential oil, you can put it into a spray bottle to make a natural insecticide. You can mix 2 – 3 teaspoons of liquid soap with water and a few drops of peppermint oil for the ultimate natural repellent.

  • Fresh Cucumber

Looking for a method that works like a charm? Try cucumber peels! Cut up fresh cucumber into slices and spread them on an aluminum plate. The cucumber and aluminum react to produce a chemical bees find offensive. However, this method is ideal for handling a small population of bees.

  • Soda

Why on earth would something as sweet as soda get rid of bees? Here’s how this method works. Cut a soda can and place it in the middle of your garden. Bees are naturally drawn to sweet liquid, so they will be attracted to the soda. As they drink the soda, they will eventually drown in the bottle. This method is effective for naturally killing a small number of bees.

When to call a professional

Getting rid of bees can sometimes be tricky, especially when they make nests in tricky spots like the ground, siding of your home, or hard-to-reach areas in your garden or property. Since this is what professionals encounter daily, why not tap into their expertise?