How to Optimize Your Restaurant’s Dry Good Storage

How to Optimize Your Restaurant’s Dry Good Storage

When you’re running a restaurant, you have a lot of things that you need to worry about. You need to worry about keeping customers and employees happy, while also serving up some amazing food. Another thing that you need to worry about as a restaurant owner is the storage of your ingredients, particularly your dry goods. Properly storing your dry goods is extremely important, and making major mistakes could cause hundreds of dollars in damages. So how can you prevent any disasters from occurring in your dry good storage and ensure that everything is stored in an efficient manner? Here’s how to optimize your dry good storage. 

Manage Space

One of the most important aspects of optimizing your restaurant’s dry good storage is ensuring that you’re managing your storage space properly. First, you should ensure that you set aside an adequate amount of space for your dry good storage. If you don’t have a large enough space, then it’s going to be extremely difficult to fit everything into storage in an organized and accessible fashion. Due to this, you may want to consider using things like wire shelving in order to maximize the amount of available space. However, size isn’t the only thing you need to worry about when planning out your dry good storage space. You’ll also have to worry about things like accessibility and workflow when trying to manage space for your dry good storage. The space you use to store your dry goods has a major effect in optimizing your dry goods management, so it’s important to ensure that your space is properly planned out.

Label Properly

Another important part in optimizing your dry good storage is labeling everything in your storage room properly. Sometimes you can have dozens of different dry goods, making it extremely hard to keep track of where everything is. Thankfully, proper labels can go a long way in helping you and your employees find what they’re looking for, even if you’re in a rush. Properly labeling can go a long way in eliminating confusion when it comes to accessing your dry goods storage, something that can go a long way in improving efficiency and optimization.

Arrange By Category

While labeling everything in your dry goods storage is important, it certainly isn’t the only thing you can do to organize your dry good storage. Arranging your dry goods by category can be a great way to boost the efficiency of your dry good storage. There are many different ways that you can categorize dry goods, including by how they are used or what type of dry good they are. Organizing your supplies by category can make finding dry goods in a hurry much easier. Whenever you can’t find a particular dry good, look for similar dry goods that would be in the same category. In fact, you may even have a map that labels each category of dry good in your storage area. Properly categorizing your dry goods is key optimizing your dry goods storage, so you definitely should consider it.

Prevent Spoiling

A huge concern with your dry goods storage revolves around your products spoiling. Leaving your dry goods in storage for too long can result in them spoiling and being completely worthless. Due to this, you should store older containers of dry goods that are older closer to the front, ensuring that they are being used before they spoil. You also need to make sure the conditions of your dry good storage are also good enough for your items. Having the wrong temperature in a storage room or allowing too much moisture to enter could result in your dry goods spoiling faster. Spoiled products can be huge losses, so it’s extremely important that you do everything you can to prevent your products from spoiling.