How to Pay Immigration Bond: A Guide

How to Pay Immigration Bond: A Guide

Did you know that there are approximately forty-four million immigrants found in the United States? However, keep in mind that these are just individuals who entered the country through legal means.

There’s a whole other segment of the population that didn’t go through official channels when they entered the United States. Sadly, this makes them susceptible to arrest and potential deportation by ICE.

The good news is that most of the time, if an immigrant was arrested, then they can be released temporarily by paying an immigration bond. Unfortunately, many people are unfamiliar with how to pay immigration bonds.

That’s why we made this article. In it, we’ll walk you through the basic steps you can take to pay an individual’s bond. Let’s get started!

What is an Immigration Bond?

An immigration bond is a lot like a regular bond. Paying the bond gives the individual the freedom to spend time outside of a detention center while they wait for their hearing.

Essentially, it’s used as a warranty to make sure that the person shows up to the hearing. If they show up, then the bond money is returned. If they don’t, then it’s kept.

The only difference is that immigration bonds are related specifically to immigration crimes charged by ICE.

What is the Bond Hearing Process Like?

When an individual is arrested by ICE, then they’re taken to federal jail for booking and processing. If the individual is eligible for a bond, then they should ask the judge for a bond hearing.

To do this, the individual will need a letter from their sponsor, detailing their relationship and the individual’s immigration status.

In addition to this, the sponsor should gather as many documents as possible to prove that the individual has a strong relationship with the community.

How to Pay Immigration Bond

Assuming your bond hearing goes well, then the Department of Homeland Security will determine the amount of the immigration bond. You can pay this amount by scheduling an appointment with your local immigration bond office.

Typically, you can pay this either with a bank money order or by post. Once you pay the bond, then the individual should be released from jail immediately.

Want More Content? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you learn how to pay immigration bonds. As you can see, you will need to be patient to pay the bond. We know that you want your loved ones out of the detainment center as soon as possible.

But, at the end of the day, you will still need to wait for the bond hearing to do this. In the meantime, we recommend looking around for a good lawyer to protect your loved one in the coming trial.

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