How to Relieve Arthritis Pain

How to Relieve Arthritis Pain

In the United States, arthritis affects over 54 million people, and for many, it’s a severe condition that limits their ability to perform simple functions.

According to the CDC, arthritis is the leading cause of worker compensation claims.

With so many people impacted by arthritis, it’s critical that people seek care for their condition. Here are some helpful tips for how to relieve arthritis pain.

Causes of Arthritis Pain

First off, let’s breakdown what arthritis actually is.

Arthritis often refers to swelling of joints and can occur all over your body. Whether it’s in your hands, elbows, or knees, arthritis often manifests itself as stiffness and pain.

The two common forms of arthritis are:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis


Osteoarthritis is caused by constant use of a certain joint, resulting in a breakdown of cartilage. Once the cartilage – which is essentially the protective cushion between your bones—begins to deteriorate, bones will start to grind together.

Osteoarthritis hardly occurs overnight, and the condition worsens as we age. This condition is often exemplified by:

  • Repetitive motions
  • Sports
  • Obesity
  • Joint injuries

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is a disease. The body’s immune system will start to eat away at the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can start at a young age, and like osteoarthritis, worsens over time.

Methods for Relieving Arthritis Pain

Whether you have osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, you’ll need ways to relieve your pain. One of the most common places for arthritis to manifest is in the hands, mainly because they’re high-use parts of your body.

Here are some effective methods for easing your day-to-day arthritis symptoms.

Arthritis Gloves

Compression gloves are a great way to decrease hand pain as you go about your daily business. The added pressure on your fingers and wrist helps to reduce swelling and if worn for 8-hour periods, can improve mobility and reduce stiffness.

Hempvana arthritis gloves are great for:

  • Typing
  • Sewing
  • Painting or drawing
  • Working on cars
  • And every other hand-intensive activity!

Heating Pads ; Ice Packs

Swollen joints are the primary symptoms of arthritis, so utilizing heat and cold can help manage swelling.

Use heating pads to alleviate stiffness in your joints. After you’ve done a strenuous activity, it might be a good idea to sit back and apply heat to any area you commonly experience pain.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, using ice packs can reduce inflammation. Make sure you’re using a washcloth or other barrier between your skin and the ice pack to avoid frostbite.

Diet and Exercise

Studies show that what we eat has a big impact on our joints, especially for people with arthritis. If you experience any symptoms of arthritis, perhaps try to switch to a plant-based diet.

Fatty or sodium-high foods are known to increase symptoms of arthritis.

While exercise might seem counterintuitive for arthritic pain, it’s actually helpful to keep your body in the habit of moving around. Staying sedentary for too long can exasperate symptoms and make your joints become even more stiff.

Take a walk, ride a bike, or swim a few laps in the pool. Simple cardio activities work wonders for preventing further arthritic pain.

You Don’t Have to Live with Arthritis Pain

Chances are you know someone with arthritis, or you might even have it yourself. You don’t have to suffer. Making some lifestyle changes and getting the right treatments can help you alleviate the pain of stiff joints and achy bones.

For natural treatment options, try using arthritic compression gloves or socks, switch up your diet, and get out for some exercise!