How to Remove 5 Toughest Stains from Tile Floors

How to Remove 5 Toughest Stains from Tile Floors

Cleaning tile floors can be faster and easier compared to, say, wooden and hardwood floors. But when dealing with tough and deep-seated stains, the entire process can be equally as difficult and tiring.

From food chunks to liquid spills and all the way to chemical marks, here’s how to remove the 5 toughest stains from different tile floor surfaces.

  1. Coffee, tea, fruit juice and wine stains

 The most common category of tile floor stains involve liquids that are normally found in the kitchen. This includes coffee, tea, fruit juices and even liquor such as red or white wine. These stains almost always find their way onto the floor by spilling, making the entire stained area as extensive and spread out as possible.

But don’t worry! All you need to do is to saturate a cleaning cloth with hydrogen peroxide and apply it swiftly and directly to the stained area. Afterwards, rinse the entire thing thoroughly with water.

After cleaning, you’ll want to polish the entire floor surface to make sure it’s sparkly and brand new. You can always contact a marble floor polishing service provider or any professional that specializes in your tile floor type.

  1. Grease and oil stains

Next to common kitchen liquid culprits are grease and oil stains — two difficult marks that can be a big task to remove. To get rid of them, simply wash the stained area with a club soda and hot water solution. The carbonated club soda will help break away the grease or oil stain and allow for easy disintegration. Once done, simply rinse the entire thing with clean water.

  1. Ink stains

 Aside from wreaking havoc on shirts and dresses, permanent ink stains can be a big cause of headache once they find their way onto your floor. But there are also three proven ways to get rid of them. The catch? Make sure you do this as quickly as possible to prevent any permanent staining.

    • Dry Eraser– Rub the stain using a dry eraser sponge and wash the area down with soap. Make sure to rinse and dry the surface thoroughly afterwards.
    • Peroxide and Oxygen Cleaner– Dip a clean cloth into a hydrogen peroxide and dab it on the stained area. Do this same process with another clean cloth and leave it pressed against the stain for a few minutes. Rinse with water afterwards. If the issue persists, apply a few drops of an oxygen cleaner to fully remove the stain.
    • Diluted Bleach– Soak a clean cloth into a diluted bleach mixture and gently press it against the stained area. Leave the cloth on the surface for about 15 minutes and rinse it thoroughly with hot water afterwards.
  1. Blood stains

Blood stains are always tricky. When dealing with them, it’s always recommended to wear protective equipment such as a mask and rubber gloves. To clean the stain, create a mixture of bleach and hot water and pour it all over the area. Leave the solution to evaporate and rinse everything thoroughly afterwards.

  1. Hard water stains

When tile floors are left uncleaned for a long period of time, you will surely find traces of hard water stains on the surface. To remove this, simply soak cleaning cloths in vinegar and leave them on the surface for about 8 hours. Remove the towels afterwards and rinse with soap and water.