How To Take Care Of Your Swimming Pool Cover Throughout The Year

How To Take Care Of Your Swimming Pool Cover Throughout The Year

It is an addition to your home to have a pool in the backyard. Anytime you choose, you, your family, and your friends can enjoy a cool dip. Yet, having a pool in your backyard necessitates investing in care for both the pool cover and the pool itself.

There will soon be warmer weather! The opportunity to enjoy your pool in the summer heat with the cover-off will soon arrive. The majority of pool owners concentrate on maintaining the machinery, chemicals, and water in their pools, but what about the covers? Your Swimming Pool Covers life and quality can be extended with proper maintenance.

So now the question arises how exactly do you clean and maintain your pool cover is the question? Learn more here in the article mentioned below.

Steps to follow to Properly Clean the Swimming Pool Cover

There are numerous varieties of pool covers available. Yet, choosing one particular pool cover is difficult to decide the best option you want one that is simple to maintain, affordable, and has a lengthy list of advantages.

The general procedures for maintaining Swimming pool covers are as follows:

Daily Inspect Your Pool Cover for damage

Spend some time Checking Pool Cover regularly for tears or holes. A rupture could cause undesired objects to fall into your pool or cause water to evaporate. The water levels could decrease and get out of equilibrium if the water evaporates. If you discover a tear or hole, get in touch with a pool cover supplier so that it may be fixed by a reputable swimming pool maintenance business. You shouldn’t wait for the solar pool cover to develop a larger tear before starting repairs if you discover a small one. Instead, you should correct it right away. You should keep a repair kit on hand in your house.

Keep up with the PH balance of the water

The imbalanced chemical levels in the pool water are one of the main reasons pool coverings quickly deteriorate. Because of this, you must make sure that your pool’s chemical balance is appropriate. It is best to remove the pool cover every once the pool has been “hyper chlorinated” to avoid damage. Only deliver it back once the chlorine levels have returned to normal.

Remember that the pool cover will intensify the sunlight so that it warms the water below. This results in the warm water rising, carrying with it more chlorine than usual. This is why it’s advised that you schedule your filtration system to alternately circulate the pool’s warm and cool water.

Store it Carefully

After cleaning, please be sure to allow the solar pool cover to dry completely before storing it. The ideal method for doing this is air drying.

It should only be folded once it has completely dried. To keep it from being too large and to avoid wrinkles wherever feasible, it is recommended to fold it into four-foot widths before rolling it from one end. After that, wrap it in a sizable plastic bag or, if you still have it with you, use the delivery carton.

Make careful to keep it sheltered, shaded, and at a temperature of no more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. You won’t have any trouble storing your solar pool cover if you have a solar roller, though. Just roll up the cover and place it on the barrier sheet. Just be sure to install your solar roller in a shaded area.

Don’t Get It Dirty

Avoiding getting your solar pool cover dirty in the first place can help you keep it in excellent shape. This indicates that grass and dirt should not be in contact with it. Trees that could drop their leaves straight on the cover and amass over time should also be trimmed.

Drain off the rainwater

Depending on the type of Pool Cover you have, water accumulation could damage your pool cover. Certain pool covers were not made to sustain the weight of water, so when water builds up, it exerts additional strain on the seams of those covers. This could cause tears and holes.


Swimming Pool covers have the benefit of being very simple to maintain. You can reap its benefits for a considerable amount of time by just following the above-mentioned instructions and advice.