Innovative Home Improvements for Your Remodeling List

Innovative Home Improvements for Your Remodeling List

Remodeling your home can be time-consuming and costly, but the increase in resale value and living experience can make it all worth it. When planning to remodel, it’s smart to think outside the box and look ahead to upcoming trends when making changes.

The way homes function has changed drastically over the past few decades. Certain aspects have become more cost efficient, while smart technology has the potential to change the way we live forever. Here are some innovative ideas to add to your remodeling list.

Install Solar Panels

If you live in a sunny area, consider investing in solar panels to aid in powering your home. The initial investment is substantial, often compared to purchasing a car, but you quickly make the money back in power bill savings.

There are a few things you must do if you wish to have solar panels installed. First, assess where they should go on your roof to capture the most sunlight. Secondly, make sure your roof is structurally sound enough to hold the weight of the panels. Finally, look into how you get your panels hooked into the power grid, and if there are any fees associated with this. Some people opt to power only a small area with solar, such as their garage or heated pool.

Multi-Use Spaces

As tiny homes become more popular and people strive to live with less, multi-use spaces are an innovative way to improve the functionality of your home and optimize space. Shelving over a nook desk creates a great place to store books and display Bumblejax acrylic blocks, creating a homey office setting that takes up no space at all.

In the kitchen, installing fixtures underneath the cabinets to hang utensils makes the most of the available space. The space between the wall and fridge is the perfect area for a thin trundle shelf to hold spices and pantry goods. Finding ways to optimize space so you can find a balance between beauty and function is a way to increase the value of your home while incorporating elements that make it your own.

Install a Green Wall

Green walls are a beautiful way to bring the outdoors in. They also create a lovely atmosphere, using the innate connection between human and plants. Exposure to green plants in the home is thought to improve the air quality and reduce stress levels. Green walls are vertical gardens incorporating a variety of green plants.

The more practical benefits of a green wall are the noise absorption, especially if you opt for a home with an open concept design that’s prone to echoing, as well as additional insulation. If you’re feeling really creative, you can incorporate herbs into your green wall to be used in cooking.

Install Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats add a lot of value to your home and can help you save on heating costs. Rather than maintaining a constant temperature throughout the day, you can have it fluctuate according to a set schedule.

For example, on a cold winter day, you have the heat picking up in the morning as you and your family get ready to leave. At your departure time, the heat stops pumping, dropping to a cooler, stable temperature. An hour before you arrive home, the heat picks up again, so the house is toasty warm when you arrive. Finally, it drops a few degrees while you are sleeping.

Not only do programmable thermostats make a significant impact on your bills, but they can also significantly impact the environment in a positive way.

When remodeling your home, think ahead of the curve, so you don’t find yourself needing to remodel things again in a few years. Look at cost-saving, environmentally friendly upgrades that will improve the overall value of your humble abode.