Most interesting Premier league fixtures

Most interesting Premier league fixtures

The fate of the gold medals of the championship largely depends on the results of the premier league fixtures. The main contenders for first place are Liverpool and Manchester City; they do not have the right to make a mistake if they really want to win the champion title.

As for the Citizens, the most important matches for them are scheduled for the end of April, when they will to play against Tottenham and Manchester United in a row. It is quite possible that it will depend on the results of these principal meetings whether Josep Guardiola’s team will be able to defend its title.

The Citizens’ trumps include:

  1. The best lineup in the English Premier League. Thanks to this, even injuries and disqualifications of some players do not become problems for Guardiola team.
  2. Excellent teamwork of the players. In fact, this is the lineup that won the Premier League last season. Football players know the strengths of their teammates well and do not make errors on the football field.
  3. Ability to use different tactics. At the same time, Manchester City has a recognizable attacking style of football, which fans like so much.

You can always learn the premier league news on fixtures on the site of sports statistics, where information is updated in real time and is fully corresponds to what is happening on the field.

Now the team is in excellent shape and has managed to win back the gap from Liverpool, but it is the last rounds that will show whether it is able to win the EPL gold medals for the second year in a row.

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Watch the end of the season in the Premier League using the 777scores information, and you will be the first to know how changes in the score affect the standings as a whole. The site offers the detailed information and the opportunity to see the schedule of the upcoming events in order to understand what exactly you can expect from the team in the near future and which of the main contenders for the title has more chances.