Involved in an Accident That Was Not Your Fault? Can You Claim Compensation?

Involved in an Accident That Was Not Your Fault? Can You Claim Compensation?

If you have ever been involved in an accident before, you probably know how difficult it is to handle the case that arises after. This is especially if you were on the wrong. But have you asked yourself what happens when you are not at fault yet you are involved in an accident?

Right after the initial shock of being in a car accident, it’s time to figure out how to get the compensation that you deserve for the damages caused. There are clear steps that you can use to figure out your way around an accident that you did not cause.

Areas that ask for compensation

  • Document everything – If the insurance company of the person who hit you can prove that you had anything, no matter how small, that contributed to the accident, you lose any chance of compensation. This is why you need to record everything as soon as the accident happens. Take photos, call the police and record statements because all these will be required by the insurance companies. Never leave the accident scene until you are released by the police unless you are seriously injured. Insurance companies always take a hardline approach to settling car accident claims.
  • Provide information on any injuries to you and your occupants – As much as you are documenting all these things, don’t forget that your personal information is required too. Give accurate information without any lies because these can complicate your life later. If you or any occupant of your vehicle is injured, document all the injuries, pain as well as loss of physical abilities. You have a right to be compensated for your emotional suffering as a result of the accident too.
  • Keep a record of any current or future costs associated with the treatment required – Providing receipts and medical reports from the doctor is what will support any of these claims. These costs should include emergency room, nursing care or home care and any other related medical expenses.
  • Provide details of your affected work and lost income – If the accident is bad enough to keep you away from work, then include clear details of wages and salaries missed. Your employer can provide this information to show that what you are claiming is true.

This information, when clearly documented and accompanied by an honest self-assessment will help your lawyer, is what will determine what kind of compensation you should ask for from the driver at fault or his insurance company.

How long does the process take for you to get the compensation?

Be sure to act promptly to get the process started. The at-fault driver’s insurance company may try to slow you down and take so long before they give any response to the complaint or even compensate you as a way to frustrate you so that you can give up. The earlier you learn this the better! The insurance company of the driver at fault may also try and make you shoulder some blame. Avoid being rude and using statements that can be construed to make you accept any blame. Always keep in touch with your lawyer and try not to visit the insurance company alone.