Keeping Your Home Clean All Winter Long

Keeping Your Home Clean All Winter Long

If you live in a part of the country that’s prone to harsh winters, odds are you’ll be spending most of the season indoors. Considering how much time you’ll be spending at home during the winter months, it stands to reason that you’d want your humble abode to be as clean and uncluttered as possible. Fortunately, keeping your home nice and clean throughout the winter doesn’t have to be an arduous undertaking. With the help of the following pointers, you’ll be able to enjoy a comfortable, organized residence all winter long.

Declutter Your Entertainment Area

Winter is the perfect time to binge your favorite shows and catch up with your video game backlog. As such, your home’s media room is likely to be one of your primary haunts. Unsurprisingly, home entertainment areas are popular spots for clutter, so there’s no time like the present to get on top of this problem. Stray movies, video games and dishes are just a few of the items strewn about most media rooms. In addition to presenting members of your household with ample tripping hazards, this clutter can give the area a disorganized, unkempt feel.

When working to declutter your media room, take care to organize your discs, bring any dirty dishes to the kitchen and dust any shelves or cabinets. Televisions, gaming consoles, cable boxes and media cabinets are notorious for accumulating dust, so make sure to be extra thorough when performing the third task. Additionally, since your furniture is going to receive a fair amount of use during the winter, you’ll need to regularly clean and de-crumb your chairs and sofas and wash any blankets you use to stay warm.

Be Meticulous About Dusting

As any seasoned housecleaner can attest, dust is particularly prevalent during the winter months. Since most people turn their heat up during this season, indoor air tends to be dryer, thereby paving the way for dust formation. With this in mind, you’ll need to keep an eye out for sizable dust reserves throughout the winter. Shelves, walls, cabinets are ceilings are all hotspots for dust, so make sure to pay special attention to them. You can also help curb dust accumulation by vacuuming your home at least once a week and focusing on hard-to-reach areas when doing so. Vacuum attachments designed to accommodate spots with limited accessibility can prove particularly helpful in this endeavor.

Make Your Windows Sparkle

Entertainment Area 1

If your home relies heavily on natural light, it’s in your best interest to keep your windows nice and clean throughout the winter. Since the sun goes to sleep much earlier during wintertime, you’ll want to make the most of it while it’s out. However, the dirtier your windows are, the less light they’re letting in. Accumulated dirt and grime can filter out sunlight by up to 20 percent, so if you’re a fan of natural lighting, make sure to wipe your windows down on a regular basis. Additionally, lack of sunlight is a major contributor to seasonal depression, so clean windows can also prove helpful in chasing away the cold weather blues.

Swap out Your Furnace Filters

Throughout the winter season, you’ll need to be meticulous about changing your furnace filter. Not only will this keep your furnace running efficiently and reduce the risk of malfunction, it’s also vital to the overall safety of your home. As such, it’s recommended that you swap out your furnace filter at least once every 60 days.

If you don’t have much experience changing filters, consider enlisting the aid of a seasoned heating and cooling professional. Alternatively, if you suspect any problems with your furnace or HVAC unit, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a repair service. Allowing furnace issues to linger can result in costly repairs and serious safety issues, so it’s important to contact the right people posthaste. Fortunately, finding HVAC contractors in Atlanta and other large cities is easy.

In light of the abundance of ice, snow and frigid temperatures, most people spend the bulk of their winter leisure time indoors. Although giving your home a thorough cleaning may seem like a cumbersome chore, this task doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. Taking the previously discussed tips to heart can provide you with a clean, comfortable residence throughout the entire winter.