Leaky Roof? Here are the 5 Best Ways to Fix It!

Leaky Roof? Here are the 5 Best Ways to Fix It!

Rainy days could mean differently for people. You could be thinking about lazy weekends with a hot cup of tea and a book or you could be exhausting over how to deal with your leaky roof problem. If you think about it, your roof should always be a top priority on your maintenance tasklist as it is always the first one exposed to various weather conditions.

Ideally, if you have a leaky roof, you should immediately find the source of the leak and fix the damage right away so as to avoid the damage from spreading and the leak from worsening. You can do it yourself if the damage is basic, but remember that it is best to call roof experts for damages that require more than just patching. Doing everything by yourself is not always the best approach to solve a problem, much less a leaky roof challenge.

There are various methods to fix a leaky roof, but here are five best ways to troubleshoot and solve that problem.



If you do not know yet where your leak is coming from, you can do a basic root cause testing. Track the common area where you experience the leak and look up at your ceiling. Normally, you would see traces of water or mold in the affected area. The same goes if you have an attic. Bring a flashlight, head up there and then look for water stains and molds too. Knowing the source of the leak will be the first step you have to do.


  • Inspect the gravity of the damage.


Once you know where the leak is coming from, the next thing you should do is inspect how large the damage is. Doing so will give you a better approach on how to do the treatment and decide on whether or not you need to hire help from experts. This will also give you a better understanding of whether part of your roof needs replacement.


  • Prepare your tools.


Before you can do any repairs going, make sure that you have the tools you need ready. Having what you need within your reach will make the job easier and faster. You can get the materials you need at the nearest hardware. If you need to ask around what best fitting tools you need, then call someone who can help you with this.


  • Replace damaged shingles.


If you find out that the shingle is your problem, you can easily have this fixed by reattaching curled-back shingles with a caulking gun. It is also helpful to note that on fair weather, straightening out a curled shingle should be fairly easy and on cold weather, it could become very brittle it could easily break.


  • Repair cracks with a roof sealant.


Probably the easiest way to fix a leaky roof is to patch the damage with a waterproof sealant. You certainly won’t need an expert for this, you just have to find the right product that will do the job for you. There are tons of roof sealants out there you can choose from but make sure that you consider factors such as the severity of the damage in order for you to make the right choice.

If you feel like you do not want to worsen the problem than it already is, then just call up someone to get the job done for you. When water is leaking all over your house, trial and error just do not sound the right choice. Evaluate your leaky roof and find a solution that is best for your problem.