How To Make It Through A DWI Charge In Binghamton: 4 Things To Know

How To Make It Through A DWI Charge In Binghamton: 4 Things To Know

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is illegal in every state in the United States, just like in Binghamton, New York.

You can get charged for driving with the influence of alcohol, and more so, an illegal drug. The penalties can vary depending on the severity of your charge, but a conviction for this always start with the revocation of your driver’s license. Being arrested for it is not something you would want to happen.

Here are things you need to know about DWI Charges in Binghamton:

It Is Best For You To Submit To A Breathalyzer Test

When a police officer asks you to pull over, it is best for you to obey and take that breathalyzer test, whether you’ve had alcohol intake or not. This refusal can lead you to serious trouble. If the situation immediately calls for it such as there has been an accident, or if you have previously been convicted as well for DWI, it is best for you to consent to it.

First, refusing to submit to a Breathalyzer Test can immediately get your license revoked. However, you do not need to worry as you can always ask to call a lawyer first before you do so. Websites such as offer services to help you keep your license and your job.

When you refuse to consent to a Breathalyzer Test, you must be able to prove in court that there was no probable cause for the police officer to suspect you of having a BAC above the legal limit or that the stop was invalid.

List Of Violations

There are many possible violations under it. These include:

  • DWI: Driving While Intoxicated; 0.08 BAC or higher, or other evidence of intoxication
  • Aggravated DWI: Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated; 0.18 BAC or higher
  • DWAI/Alcohol: Driving While Ability Impaired (by alcohol); 0.05 BAC to 0.07 BAC, or other evidence of impairment
  • DWAI/Drug: Driving While Ability Impaired by a drug other than alcohol
  • DWAI/Combination: Driving While Ability Impaired by the combined influence of drugs and alcohol
  • Chemical Test Refusal: Refusing to take a chemical test, usually a test of breath, blood or urine
  • Zero Tolerance Law: A driver who is less than 21 years old and who drives with a 0.02 BAC to 0.07 BAC

DWI Charge

You Can Refuse A Field Sobriety Test

Field Sobriety Test is also known as Standard Field Sobriety Tests. This test is what a police officer conducts to check if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When an officer performs an FST, the purpose is merely to check out for some clues and signs as to whether or not you are indeed intoxicated.

Some of these validated tests include:

  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test is where you will be asked to follow an object with your eyes;
  • The-Walk-And-Turn Test is where you will be tested to follow directions and take a series of steps while balancing both physical and mental tasks;
  • The-One-Leg Stand Test is where you will be asked to stand on one leg so the police officer can check your balance.

Do note, however, that the refusal to undergo a Field Sobriety Test can still lead to an arrest, but, you can lessen the police’s evidence against your intoxication at the time of the arrest.


DWI is a crime that has severe penalties in Binghamton. These penalties include the following:

  • The suspension/revocation of your driver’s license;
  • The payment of fines, surcharges, and other fees;
  • The possibility of imprisonment;
  • Mandatory attendance at Victim Impact Panel;
  • Mandatory enrollment in the Drinking Driver Program;
  • Loss of job/employment license;
  • The purchase of increased insurance premiums.

With all these in mind, do remember that driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is always a crime. Do not let that fun-drinking spree result to a trip to the police station. It is best for you not to fake your sober-ness and to leave the driving to someone else. Doing this will keep you, and others, safe from traffic accidents, and will also maintain the peace of the city/community.