Make Your Travel Luxurious While Staying on Budget

Make Your Travel Luxurious While Staying on Budget

There is hardly any person on earth that won’t mind traveling in a bit of luxury. Imagine traveling to a place like Sydney in luxury; that’s basically everyone’s wish. Imagine dining in Melbourne or lodging in 5-star accommodation in Sydney, that’s heaven on earth.

Sometimes, luxury may be about where you are going to, and other times, it can be how you enjoy the destination, not minding if it is a town or a village.

Though luxury is known to be worth a lot, there still exist some tricks in the book when luxury is concerned.

Photo by Slava Bowman on Unsplash

1. Try and get a lot from your transportation dollar

One thing you should not ignore is that you make use of long haul flights for those long trips, as well as short-haul flights for those short trips. Why is this so? The latter are known to be affordable and can be earned by amassing points. This helps to plunge down the costs.

You can calculate how much the trip would cost daily by:

  1. Finding out a daily budget that is reasonable and would cover food, accommodation and so on.
  2. Once you have gotten a figure, try and have it multiplied by the number of days you are thinking of spending there.
  3. Don’t forget to input your flight cost.

Whatever you get, have it divided by the number of days you intend to spend there.

The longer time you spend in your destination, the lesser the cost of the flight would affect your cost incurred daily.

2. Opt for a cheap 5-star destination

When a person hears of ‘5-star destination‘, he or she starts to think that it would cost a lot. In the person’s mind, it would be so expensive that it would drill a big hole in their pockets.

Almost every country has a 5-star retreat that’s affordable.

Look at the country, and see if they buy your currency well. Let’s say you are in North America; you can consider vacationing in luxury in Central America. If you are in the UK, you can consider vacationing in luxury in Portugal and Greece. What of if you are in Australia? Southeast Asia will do the trick well.

3. Try and opt for sights that are less touristy

A lot of places have different sights that are very popular and touristy; hence they cost a lot to see. If you can try to avoid them, you will definitely save a lot. All you need to do is run research on your intending destination, and find those places that aren’t usually frequented by a lot of tourists and go there. It wouldn’t be a bad idea if you tried to avoid staying in the city center while at your destination.

This will not only allow you to save, but you would also be able to stay close to the real neighborhoods inhabited by indigenes; that way you can really explore the city and its people.

4. Try Eastern Europe instead of Western Europe

If you are thinking of heading to Europe, it won’t be a bad idea to head to Eastern Europe because it is more affordable than Western Europe.

Try places like Krakow, Budapest, Prague, or even countries like Romania, Croatia, and Slovenia.

5. If you are going to Western Europe, travel the perimeter and not the center

Cities that are known to be far from the center are known to be affordable. Going to Portugal, opt for Porto. What of Malta? Opt for Valetta.

This may not be true for every part of Europe like Northern Europe.