Making the Switch to Formula? Here’s the Safest Way to Do It

Making the Switch to Formula? Here’s the Safest Way to Do It

If you want to buyAt some point or another, you may find yourself needing to make the switch to formula. However, if you have only ever breastfed your baby, then this can be a rather overwhelming experience. More than anything, you want to be certain that you are following the safest practices possible.

Now, if you feel like you need a crash course in safely switching to formula, then you have come to the right place. Below, you will find all the information that you need to make sure that you are able to bottle feed your little one in an ideal manner. Here is what you need to know:

Choosing the Formula

You can always trust your own breast milk. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for all baby formulas. This is why it is important for you to be incredibly careful when selecting the right brand for your little one. Before you make a decision, though, you will need to do some research.

Now, opting for organic baby formula can help to get you started in the right direction. However, just because a brand claims to be organic, doesn’t mean that you should automatically trust them. Keep in mind, most brands will follow national guidelines for organic products and these can be a little lax.

Thus, before making a decision, take a look at the list of ingredients for a specific brand. Then, go ahead and look up each ingredient. This way, you can make sure that each component serves a specific function for your baby. Avoid anything that contains any kind of unnecessary additive.

Find the Right Bottle

Your next task, of course, will be to find the right bottle. Considering just how many there are, though, this can be a lot trickier than you might imagine. So, how can you narrow down your baby bottles selection process? Well, there are a few factors to think about in this case.

To begin with, focus on the material that the vessels are made from. Since most designs are made from plastic, it is important to stick with ones that are free from BPA. Similarly, you will need to make certain that the nipple is the right size and flow for your little one.

It should also be noted that different bottles offer up various advantages. So, if your baby is suffering from a specific issue, getting an appropriate container could solve the issue. Naturally, you should always double-check with your pediatrician just to be certain that you are making the right choice.

Using the Best Water

Selecting the proper formula is only half the accomplishment. After all, when you are making up the formula, you are adding water into the mix as well. Therefore, you need to ensure that the water is safe for your little one as well.

Now, you should be able to use tap water as long as you can guarantee that it is clean. Still, it is important to boil the water for at least a minute. Taking this precaution will kill any bacteria that may be in the water.

If you really want to be certain about the water that you are using for the formula, getting a water filter may be a smart move. This is excellent for removing any and all residue that may be in the local water system.

It is also a good idea to check the fluoride levels in your local water supply. After all, you don’t want your baby to get too much fluoride.

Monitoring the Temperature

One of the things that parents worry most about is heating up the formula. This is because babies are so much more sensitive to heat than adults. So, how can you make sure that your little one gets warm formula without running the risk of burning them? It’s fairly simple.

First, never heat up the formula in the microwave or on the stove. Using the microwave can warm the bottle inconsistently. As a result, you will get some spots that are really cold and others that are too hot. With the stove, you run the risk of overheating the formula.

To make things easier \, you can invest in a bottle warmer. However, you will need to follow the instructions carefully. Not to mention, you will need to keep a close watch and make sure that the formula isn’t heated too much.

Your best option, however, is to place the bottle in a bowl of warm water. This will gently heat the bottle up and reduce the risk of hot spots. Of course, even then, you will need to test the bottle before giving it to your baby.

To test the temperature, splash a few drops of milk onto the most sensitive parts of your skin. Oftentimes, your wrist is the best spot. If the milk is too warm, give it a couple of minutes and then test it once more.

Creating the Right Angle

You always need to hold your baby at a slight angle when giving them formula. One of the options that you have is to place your little one’s head in the crook of your arm and then slighting angling them upwards.

If your baby is known to have reflux, you may want to get them settled in a more upright position. Here, your baby should be in an almost seated position. If possible, rest his or her head on your chest. This should help to minimize the spit-up.

You should use a pillow as this can make things more comfortable for you and your baby. Not to mention, it is easier to get them into one position and keep them there with a pillow.

Now, it is important to switch up positions when you are feeding your little one. This way, they don’t build up a preference for just one side. Furthermore, this gives each of your arms a break. So, remember to do this every so often.

Oh, and if you want to reduce the risk of your little one getting gassy, keep a close watch on the nipple. While feeding, it should always be filled with milk. This way, your little one won’t be sucking in any air bubbles.

Follow Your Baby’s Cues

While bottle feeding your baby, make sure to watch them closely. This will give you some indication of what you should be doing. For instance, do they appear to be fussing? If so, it could be that they need to be burped, even if it is mid-feed.

You may also notice that your baby doesn’t drink the same amount throughout the day. For example, they may be incredibly hungry in the morning, but drink less in the afternoon. Just keep an eye on these patterns so that you can feed them more appropriately.

If the milk appears to be flowing too fast, gently tip the bottle so that the nipple is emptied of milk. This will give your little one a chance to catch his or her breath. If they begin to start rooting, let the milk fall back into the nipple. This is a more gentle option than pulling the nipple away from your baby’s mouth.

These are the top safety tips to follow when making the switch to formula. Keeping these guidelines in mind will make this process a lot easier for both you and your baby.