Why New Jersey Homes are Prone to Mold and Water Damage Inspection

Why New Jersey Homes are Prone to Mold and Water Damage Inspection

Have you noticed mold and water damage in your home while living on the Jersey Shore? If so, there’s probably a good reason. Houses in New Jersey are more prone to getting water damage because of many reasons. We’re going to give you some reasons why New Jersey homes are prone to mold and water damage, and when you should get an inspection. By getting a home inspection for mold or water damage, you’re less likely to have as many problems in the future, and can benefit fully in everything from health, all the way to buying or putting your home on the market.

Why are New Jersey Homes More Prone?

For starters, you’re living closer to the ocean. Even when you don’t see it, there is almost always mold everywhere. Mold thrives in cool, damp, and darker places. There is mold that lives outside, and then we have mold that is in our house. Living on the coast, you’re more prone to water damage, and living up north, you’re more prone to it also because of the frigid temperatures, things like busted pipes, condensation, and much more. From basements all the way up to your attics and even inside your walls, mold is a fungus that can literally grow anywhere. But it can be unhealthy because mold spores can cause severe reactions that can even lead to death in some cases.

How to Protect Yourself

When it comes to protection from mold and water damage, you can protect yourself. Keep areas that are dark (basements, cabinets, etc.) free of moisture as much as possible. Use dehumidifiers, anti-mold drywall panels in places like bathrooms (they actually have an antifungal on the outer coating), and keep things uncluttered (some items in a storage space can absorb and hold moisture like cardboard boxes, etc.). As far as water damage goes, frequently check pipes, seals around bathtubs (caulking), keep toilets in good working order, and avoid water leaks as much as possible.

When Should I Have an Inspection?

If you see visible mold, you may not need an inspection, but you might want to get one anyway. Iris Laboratories offers affordable and excellent quality mold inspections, and they test past where you can visibly see it. There could be spores that are contained in the walls and seeping, then spreading, so it’s always important. Other than that, it’s a good practice to check for mold and water damage at the end of every season, especially during the wetter months of the year.


Hopefully this article has been able to inform you about mold inspection, and a little bit about mold and water damage that homes in New Jersey are more susceptible for getting. Keep in mind, just because you live in a wet climate, it doesn’t mean you should have to endure the hardships and problems that can come with it. Also, if you’re ever putting your home on the market, make sure you do a DIY home inspection (you can even buy self-test kits), and have a professional come in and inspect your home to ensure being able to sell at a proper market value.
