Nice questions to solve and enjoy on a tough Monday

Hard time at work? Here are some brain storming exercise for you to get back your mind!  Please Comment your answers below 🙂

  • A man walks into a bar, and asks the bartender for a drink of water. The bartender pulls out a gun, points it at the man, and cocks it. The man says “Thank you” and leaves. What happened? lateral-thinking-3
  • Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a suspected murderer. They don’t know what he looks like but they know his name is John and that he is inside the house. The police bust in on a carpenter, a lorry driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they immediately arrest the fireman. How do they know they’ve got their man?
  • A man lives in the penthouse of an apartment building. Every morning he takes the elevator down to the lobby and leaves the building. Upon his return, however, he can only travel halfway up in the lift and has to walk the rest of the way – unless it’s raining. What is the explanation for this?
  • How could a baby fall out of a twenty-story building onto the ground and live?
  • A man and his son are in a car crash. The father is killed and the child is taken to hospital gravely injured. When he gets there, the surgeon says, ‘I can’t operate on this boy – for he is my son!!!’ How can this possibly be?
  • Many shops have prices set just under a round figure, e.g. $9.99 instead of $10.00 or $99.95 instead of $100.00 . It is assumed that this is done because the price seems lower to the consumer. But this is not the reason the practice started. What was the original reason for this pricing method?
  • Assume there are approximately 5,000,000,000 (5 billion) people on Earth. What would you estimate to be the result, if you multiply together the number of fingers on every person’s left-hands? (For the purposes of this exercise, thumbs count as fingers, for five fingers per hand.) If you cannot estimate the number then try to guess how long the number would be.
  • A man holidaying abroad fell off a yacht into deep water. He could not swim and he was not wearing anything to keep him afloat. It took 30 minutes for the people on the yacht to realize someone was missing. The missing man was rescued two hours later. Why didn’t he drown?
  • A police officer saw a truck driver clearly going the wrong way down a one-way street, but did not try to stop him. Why not?
  • A man buys rice at $1 a pound from American growers and sells them at $0.05 a pound in India. As a result of this he becomes a millionaire. How come? – I like the answer of this, really funny to think 😛
  • An Arab sheikh tells his two sons that are to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel arrives last will win. The brothers, after wandering aimlessly for days, ask a wise man for advise. After hearing the advice they jump on the camels and race as fast as they can to their destination. (Answer is an Excellent Idea !!)
  • A landlord is threatening to evict a father and his beautiful young daughter, unless she agrees to marry him. There are a lot of witnesses and in a false gesture of sincerity, he offers her an opportunity to remain in the house without marrying him. He has a silk bag in which he says he has placed a white and a black stone from the footpath on which they’re standing. If she picks the white stone from the bag, then she wins; if she picks the black, she loses. However, the young girl saw him place two black stones in the bag. She can’t accuse him of cheating, because he would say that his good question was called into question and storm off without showing the bag. How does the clever girl win?
  • A man is driving his car. He turns on the radio, listens for five minutes, turns around, goes home, and shoots his wife. (Hahahah)
  • A man marries twenty women in his village but isn’t charged with polygamy. lateral-thinking-ans-3

3 thoughts on “Nice questions to solve and enjoy on a tough Monday

  1. hey i know d answr 4r d first ones. actually d man gets hiccups n so asks the bartender to get him some water. we know dat wn someone gets hiccups n if he is made scared den it would no longer stay n so to really scare d man the bar tender takes out his gun.dats it…………………

  2. hey i know d answr 4r d first ones. actually d man gets hiccups n so asks the bartender to get him some water. we know dat wn someone gets hiccups n if he is made scared den it would no longer stay n so to really scare d man the bar tender takes out his gun.dats it…………………

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