Once the Smoke Clears: Important Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Once the Smoke Clears: Important Steps to Take After a Car Accident

Did you know more than three million people are injured in car accidents each year in the United States? Driving to work or picking up your children from school are routine, daily that you likely do not associate with inherent danger. But most people do not realize just how common car accidents are. Statically speaking, it is highly likely that you will be involved in a car accident at least once in your lifetime.

While the number of fatal auto accidents in cities like Houston, TX have declined over the years, this doesn’t mean the roads are any safer. The reduction in car accident fatalities likely speaks more to the modern safety features included in today’s vehicles.

If you are involved in a car accident, here are some tips on what to do afterwards.

Check for Injuries and Call 911

Once the accident has happened, your very first step should be to check yourself for injuries. Immediately following this, you should call 911 to have police attend the scene, and send an ambulance service, if required.

Even if you feel you do not have any serious injuries, it’s a good idea to let the EMTs working the scene check you out. Sometimes injuries are not obvious in the chaos following an accident. Once the police arrive, they will begin their documentation so start an accident report. This report will come in handy later on if you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver. Generally, an accident report will assign fault to one of the drivers involved in a car crash. If the other driver is named as the negligent party on this report, getting compensation for your injuries will be much easier.

Begin Documenting the Scene

Once you have called members of law enforcement and an ambulance, you can start gathering evidence on your own. The best way to do this is by taking pictures of your damaged vehicle and any injuries you may have. Having proper documentation and evidence will help you later when you start building a case against the negligent driver.

Speak with people who witnessed the car accident, and try to collect their contact information. As you take notes about your accident, be sure to write down the license plate number of the other vehicle. This is especially important if the other driver tries to take off before the police arrive.


File an Insurance Claim

Once you have the accident report from the police officer, you can file an insurance claim. The sooner you file an insurance claim, the easier it will be to get the damage to your car fixed. If the other driver was at fault for the accident in question, their insurance company will ultimately be responsible for the repairs to your vehicle.

In most cases, you will hear from the other driver’s insurance company shortly after the accident. Some insurance companies will try to settle your claim quickly to avoid a lengthy trial. If you are offered a settlement, you need to consult with a lawyer before accepting it.

Consult an Attorney

If you feel the settlement is inadequate or you require representation for your case, contact a reputable car accident attorney to help. Many personal injury lawyers offer free consultations, so speak with a few before making your decision on which one to use.