A Family’s Options When a Loved One Dies Before Filing an Injury Claim

A Family’s Options When a Loved One Dies Before Filing an Injury Claim

When an accident injures a loved one severely, it can be traumatizing and send family and friends into a tumultuous time. There is no way to mentally prepare for the possibility of a poor outcome, such as death due to the severity of an accident, yet it is a reality for many.

The third most common cause of death in the United States is due to unintentional injury with falling, motor vehicle accidents, and accidental discharge of a firearm being among the top causes. This is a difficult time to cope through for family and friends, and the last thing on many people’s minds is making arrangements for funerals and taking care of the deceased loved one’s personal effects.

While there are many items to consider, some of the most important things to take care of immediately include funeral arrangements, carry out the actions cited in their will, and take legal action in the case of a wrongful death.

Ceremonial matters

Whether you want the ceremony to be a funeral or a celebration of life, you can start the process by writing an obituary and choosing a funeral home. The funeral home will likely ask you if your loved one wanted a burial or cremation. If a burial needs to be arranged, you will have to make many decisions regarding place, headstone, and coffin type. Since these decisions are all very taxing on any individual, it will help to make things easier wherever you can. If you can get things done online and not have to travel very far to gather these items on your checklist, then pursue those options.

For example, finding coffins for sale online can help make your plans come together quicker and with more efficiency. You have more options when it comes to design and price as well when you look on the internet and narrow down the search criteria. The same can be said about floral arrangements, ceremony program stationary, and much more.The time you save by searching online can allow you to spend more time with your support system and take care of things beyond ceremony arrangements.

The will

If your loved one had a will and testament, the appropriate next step is to take the document to the appropriate county or city office to have it accepted. The document will include information such as rights of family members and partners, a list of personal effects or personal estate, and how any part of the estate is to be divided.

Once the document is accepted, an executor will be assigned to carry out and enforce the wishes stated in the will. The way in which the assets are divided out is dictated by state law. Therefore, it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with the current rules and regulations to ensure that it is done correctly.

Law claims

If your loved one was in an accident that caused such severe injury and died before filing an injury claim, you may have the option to file for wrongful death. While filing is determined by state law, the state of Pennsylvania allows a personal representative of the deceased to file a wrongful death claim for actions that would typically warrant a personal injury claim.

In this instance, it is best to search for professionals who have experience in the courtroom and positive outcomes with clients. Working with a qualified personal injury lawyer in Stroudsburg, PA will allow you closure in knowing you will be in better positioning to seek justice for your loved one.

An unexpected death in your family from something like an injury is not an idea that many people can brace or prepare themselves for. This leaves many struggling to know where to start in the healing and logistical processes. By searching for items online, following a will, if available, and working with a trusted attorney if a wrongful death occurred, you can get those aspects out of the way to focus on celebrating your loved one’s life in a way they would have wanted.