How to Plan The Ideal Honeymoon

How to Plan The Ideal Honeymoon

In a way, a honeymoon is a vacation from all the strenuous wedding planning and organizing, from dealing with your family and relatives to making sure everything is working and under control.

This is finally an opportunity to be alone with your partner where you two can relax, enjoy each other’s company while sipping a nice, cold cocktail somewhere on a remote beach under the blazing sun.

Now is the time to be a bit more luxurious and give in to a hedonistic way of thinking for at least a week or two. Experts at have a lot of experience regarding honeymoons so we took their advice on how to have a blast on yours and create lifetime memories.

Where to go?

The honeymoon is your time and you are free to organize it the way you and your partner like. You don’t have to follow any norms or rules or try to cater to other people’s expectations. If sun and beach are not your things that is perfectly fine.

You should choose whatever both of you enjoy. Maybe you dreamed of a certain trip for years now, but never really had the time, money or will to actually pack up and go. Now is the perfect time to put those dreams into fruition and give yourselves a time of your life.

Whether it’s a beach, a mountain, a lake, a city on the opposite side of the planet, you should start looking at options simultaneously with the wedding planning and when the time comes just sit back, relax and enjoy your honeymoon.

Choice of transport

Honeymoons should all be about what you like and where you feel happy. There is no point in spending a lot of money on something you know you are not interested in, just to fulfill some social quota.

Do what fits you the most and add some luxury here and there, because hey, it’s the honeymoon, it is supposed to be special and magical after all. Hire a professional airport transport, let charming chauffeurs pick you up at the airport and take you wherever your heart desires. It doesn’t have to be a one time ride at all.

Let a luxurious car be your ride of choice when you decide to go out with your beloved in the evening. The driver will take you to all the places you want and can even give their own recommendations where to go next if you desire.

Plan ahead

Money can be an excuse for just about anything and it is a common misconception that honeymoons have to be expensive. If you play it smart and plan ahead you can save a lot of money by scheduling flights and hotels early on, even 6 months ahead or more.

If you want to visit some exotic destination half a world away, you don’t have to book it at the height of the season when it’s flooded with tourists anyway. Pick an off-season instead when it’s less crowded and less expensive.

A journey to remember

Remember it’s all about you, your partner and your trip together to start the marriage off, expensive and luxurious stuff is just there to add to the experience, but should not be the sole purpose.

Rather than spending 10 days by the pool of your 4-star hotel doing nothing, you can find accommodation somewhere on a more secluded location regular tourists don’t even know about, explore on your own and get to know to local life, taste local food and learn new traditions.

Make it interesting, make it worth remembering, let this intro to your marriage be special and fun, after all, this is your trip and your rules.