Protecting Your Valued Car from the Elements: the Carport

Protecting Your Valued Car from the Elements: the Carport

When some people speak about their one true love, you will naturally assume the reference is to a significant other. These days, we flippantly refer to that as SO. Well, sometimes there is no human involved in the SO allusion. As it turns out, the first love may just happen to run on fuel and an engine; not blood and a heart.

It does not come cheap though. Your first love, which we have established by this point is your car, needs to be protected from the elements. This is where the idea of carports comes in.

What is a carport?

A carport is a temporary shelter for cars. It offers limited protection from elements like snow and rain. It can be a free-standing structure or you can attach it to a wall. Carports do not have four walls like most other structures.

Carport vs. garage

If you are looking for protection from harsher elements, you are better off parking your ride in a garage. A carport does not offer that much protection, but there is plenty of air flowing in and out. As indicated, carports do not have four walls. Therefore, they have plenty of open spaces for ventilation.

A carport is great for preventing frost on the windshield. You can go for a structure that is portable so that you can move around with it. It is great to have a place you can shelter your car from too much sunlight, thus avoiding an overheated vehicle. You can also keep the rain and snow off your vehicle. However, it is not locked in. You cannot keep the car thieves away.


There are a number of advantages to having a carport even if you have a garage as well.

  • Ventilation – The structure is very well aerated as it does not have the four walls.
  • There are portable carports – You can throw it in the car and drive out into the country or even the desert. You will always have a shelter for your car with you.
  • It prevents frost from forming on your windshield.
  • It is easy to put up.
  • It gives you a quick solution to your car shelter needs.

Mobile carports

The portable carport serves the same purpose as the standard one. The only difference is that you can move around with it unlike the standard one. It is also not fixed to a wall. This one stands on its own.

  • You may use vinyl or canvas as covering for the frame.
  • It is fastened in place by stents.
  • You can have an open entrance to access your temporary carport.

The mobile carport may be mistaken for a tent. However, it is only used for vehicles whereas a tent is used to house or shelter people.

Carports are very useful, whether you have them at home or out on some camping site, as they provide a solution for a car owner with regard to sheltering their vehicle against elements such as rain, snow or too much sunlight.