Remy Hair Vs. Non-Remy Hair: Which One Is Better?

Remy Hair Vs. Non-Remy Hair: Which One Is Better?

When trying to decide on which quality human hair extensions to purchase, one of the most common choices that will be available to you is Remy hair versus non-Remy hair. You’ll often find that Remy hair costs more, and you may wonder why. In order to understand the reason for the price differentiation between Remy Hair and Non-Remy Hair, you’ll need to know exactly how the two are different, as well as some of the common misconceptions associated with Remy Hair.

What Is Remy Hair?

Remy hair extensions come from a single human hair donor. In order to collect hair to be used in Remy human hair extensions, the hair must be gathered so that all of the cuticles are aligned. This keeps the neighboring hairs lined up together in a natural way, with roots on one end and the ends of the hair on the other end. This type of hair collection also reduces the overall damage that can occur to hair through other collection methods. This results in the hair extension being an extremely high quality product because the texture of the hair is consistent. Specifically, the cuticles of the hair are intact. The hair looks smooth and will look more natural when styled because the cuts of the cuticles are running in the same direction.

Are Remy and Virgin Hair Extensions the Same?

Many people use the terms Remy hair extensions and virgin hair extensions interchangeably, but they refer to different types of extensions. The term “virgin hair” refers to hair that is completely unprocessed and 100% natural human hair. These extensions cannot have been chemically manipulated in any way. Therefore, virgin hair cannot have been colored, steamed, curled or bleached. Although it is possible to purchase Virgin Remy Hair Extensions, not all Remy hair can be classified as virgin hair extensions.

How is Non-Remy Hair Different?

Non-Remy hair can come from multiple owners. Hair may be collected from the floor of salons. As a result, the roots of the hair are not naturally aligned and the collectors do not take time to make sure the tips are aligned. The alignment process is crucial before the extensions can be sold, which requires the hair extensions to be processed. In the procedure, some of the cuticle is actually removed from Remy hair. Removing the cuticle is necessary in order to prevent tangling of the hair extensions.

Does Non-Remy Hair Look Less Natural?

Many users of hair extensions find that this removal process actually makes the hair look less natural. However, proponents of Non-Remy hair extensions believe that the cuticle removal process makes the hair look thicker in comparison. Those who are not fond of the non-Remy extensions believe that the removal process results in a dryer, less natural, and overall more straw-like look to the hair.

Which Type  is Easier to Maintain?

Due to being less processed, Remy hair is easier to maintain overall. Combing non-Remy hair is a notoriously difficult process. Many users of the non-Remy hair also find it to be difficult to wash. The problem that arises is that the heavy processing involved in non-Remy hair can easily be undone through normal everyday washing and styling. One way that non-Remy producers try to overcome that problem is through the use of silicone coating. This typically works for the short-term, but with repeated everyday use, the silicone coating will cease to be effective.

Remy Hair 1

What are the Benefits of Remy Hair?

When you purchase Remy hair extensions, you will receive four primary benefits over non-Remy extensions.

  • Quality: When the hair is being gathered, a professional is doing the job. No additional hairs are added to the bundle. With less damage comes a higher quality of hair extension.
  • Texture: Remy hair extensions have a consistent texture and length, which lends to a more natural overall look.
  • Time: Styling Remy hair is less time-consuming because you are only working with one donor’s hair. It simply takes less time to style than non-Remy hair.
  • Ability to Last: Remy extensions can last up to a year, while non-Remy hair extensions may fall apart after only a few shampoo cycles.

What Are The Benefits of Non-Remy Hair?

When you pay the higher cost for Remy extensions, you are paying for ones that will last so you do not have to replace them multiple times throughout the year. Non-Remy hair extensions are cheaper. Many choose this style if they only need a very temporary extension, because they are sacrificing quality for cost. If you do not want to worry about having extensions that last for a long time, non-Remy extensions may be the right choice for you.

Should You Choose Remy or Non-Remy Hair Extensions?

When trying to decide whether you should buy Remy or Non-Remy hair extensions, the choice comes down to what you are hoping to get out of your hair extensions. If you want long-lasting extensions that you can wear on a daily basis, then Remy hair extensions may the best for you. If you are more worried about price and do not need the extensions to be long-lasting, then you may choose to go with non-Remy hair extensions.