Is it Worth Buying a Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Is it Worth Buying a Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Robot vacuum cleaners or autonomous vacuum cleaners are increasingly in demand in homes for the convenience of not having to be used with a classic vacuum cleaner as has happened throughout life. But, although they began to be marketed in the US in 2002 and they have been with us for some time, they are not quite perfect. In addition, as is often the case with electronic devices, there are better or worse and cheaper or more expensive, so generalizing is not as simple as it might seem. Of course, in general, they save time and effort.

How do they clean?

The technology they have is different according to the brands or models but they usually use sensors, cameras, lasers or the combination of some of them to recognize the land of the house they must face and thus avoid obstacles such as furniture or other elements that appear on your route In some cases they are able to enter the lower part of the cabinets, beds or other furniture but it is not always the case.

Usually vacuum robots measure between eight and ten centimeters in height, although there are some that can reach even twelve. The newest and most gifted have a Wi-Fi connection so that the user can interact with them through an app. Ecovacs is a top auto cleaning robots supplier and has launched various mobile robots.

Their ability to clean is not the same on all surfaces and thus, they are handled extraordinarily on wooden or terrazzo floors but present difficulties when a carpet is found. They vacuum the dirt by means of a rubber roller and some brushes that they carry in their lower part, and even in some more sophisticated models, they help themselves with a mechanical arm that collects small remains of the corners. In carpets, if they are able to save their entry into them, they are able to collect mostly the largest dirt debris but are not as thorough as on smooth surfaces.

They are usually able to work in a range of 70 to 130 minutes, returning to the recharging center they are provided with when they are about to drain their battery.

Who are they recommended for?

Those homes in which the surface of the soil is hard are the ones that will benefit the most from the vacuum robots like Roborock S6. They are ideal for people who have pets since they suck the hair of animals very well. With robot vacuums, you don’t have to operate vacuums manually while cleaning the floors.In addition, they give very good benefits for the collection of small crumbs of food, in addition to the aforementioned hair, whether it is an animal or a person.

Where they fail the most

If someone who uses them is someone in a mess who leaves their shoes or a blanket lying on the floor, they can destroy their normal functioning due to the lack of care that will undoubtedly affect the performance of the vacuum cleaner. Something similar can happen with large carpets.