Running a Pest Control Business – What You Should Do

Running a Pest Control Business – What You Should Do

Dealing with rodents, bugs and spiders on a daily basis, may not be everyone’s idea of a great job. But, if you do not mind the prospect, you can actually make a good living from setting up a pest control business. Although, it has to be said, that you should be prepared to work hard, if you want to be successful as there is a lot of competition in the pest control industry. There are plenty of ways to help your business grow and stand out however, and in today’s digital age managing a successful pest control business has become more efficient and streamlined thanks to the use of advanced pest control software.

It’s also worth noting that setting up a pest control business can be costly; you need to pay out for a vehicle, pest control products and a business premises. Like any small business, you need to work out your budget before you start. If you do not know what money you have to work with, there is a good chance that you will overspend from the outset. Doing so means that you are setting yourself up to fail. Here are some other things you need to do, in order to set up and run a pest control business.

Make sure you are qualified and licensed

You cannot just set up a business as a pest control expert, without any knowledge and experience. You need to speak to state officials about what tests you need to undergo, with regards to handling chemicals. They will also be able to tell you what type of certification is necessary in order for you to operate as a pest controller.

Think about your market

It can be difficult for a small independent pest controller to survive, when faced with competition from large companies. This is why you need to know which area of the market you are trying to appeal to. Find out what type of pests are most prevalent in the area where your business operates. You should then focus a lot of your marketing efforts on people who have issues with these pests. It’s a lot easier to be successful in a niche market than if you try to be all things to all people.

Once you know your market think about your marketing

There is no point having a pest control business if no-one knows that it exists. This is why marketing in the right way is so important.

  • Create a website that provides succinct and useful information about your services. You may want to include geographic tags in your meta data. As your business grows, you may want to think about linking to different content you have produced, such as a YouTube series about identifying different insects. This helps you to be seen as an expert.
  • Create leaflets and flyers and distribute them in areas where you know there is a problem with the kind of pests you deal with.
  • Get help with pest control phone leads. The better quality leads you have, the more likely you are to sell your services.

All of these marketing tips are useful, if you are running a pest control business.

Make sure you are fully insured

Do not forget that pest control experts handle hazardous chemicals as part of the job. This is why you need to ensure that your business, and the individuals within it, are covered by a comprehensive insurance policy.  You should not start to trade until you know that this insurance is in place.

Pests can cause a lot of damage if they are not dealt with. This is why there will always be a place for high quality pest control. If you are willing to work hard, and you are well-prepared, you can be successful as an exterminator. Hopefully, our tips will help you to survive in what is a thriving but competitive industry.