Safest Way to Use a Public Restroom: A Germophobe’s Guide

Safest Way to Use a Public Restroom: A Germophobe’s Guide

Many people don’t think twice about using a public restroom, but there are just as many that do. In fact, for as many as 32% of the population, the anxiety of using a public restroom is enough to make them hold it and risk infections.

It’s not an enviable position to be in but it’s one that applies to a large number of people. The problem is this feeling is often backed up by research that shows many bacteria can live in the restroom for months.

But, when you’ve got to go, you’ve gotta go! That’s why you need this guide to using a public restroom safely.

Find The Right Restroom

The first step has to be finding a restroom and your safest bet is o avoid the public ones n the streets. In fact, you should stride into a hotel, café, or even a bookstore. They’ll all have restrooms and they’re likely to be much cleaner than the ones on the street.

Own It!

This is very important. You need to walk into the establishment confidently like you’ve done this a million times before. If you’re not sure where the restroom is, just head for the back, that’s the usual and most logical spot.

If you can’t find it just ask and don’t be put off if they say it’s for customers only. Simply tell them you are a customer and if pushed, buy the cheapest thing on offer. Then never go back.

Entering the Restroom

You have to go through that door so do it quickly and confidently, but do remember to use your clothing if you need to touch the handle. As many as 95% of people don’t wash their hands properly after using the toilet and they almost all touch the door handle.

Once inside you may notice an odor, simply cover your nose with your scarf or even your arm, it’s bound to smell better.

It’s a good idea to take a look at the equipment available, particularly the sanitary disposal services. Combining this with the cleaning chart will give you an indication of how clean the restroom potentially is.

Using The Toilet

The next step, whether you’re using a urinal or a stall, is to get as close as possible without touching anything. This is pretty easy if you’re using a urinal, there is no need to touch anything.

But, if you’re in a stall you need to close the door and lock it, again your clothes are a great aid for this part. You can then take a wad of toilet paper and fold it so that your hands don’t come into contact with the seat when you wipe it. The idea is to wipe the seat and deposit the toilet paper in the toilet in one smooth move.

You can then put the seat cover in place, if there is one, or you can cover the seat with toilet paper.

You can now use the toilet!

Just remember to operate the flush with toilet paper, this will prevent you from touching any of the surfaces.


The final step, before you escape, is to wash your hands. The best restrooms will have automatic soap dispensers and water dispensers, ensuring you don’t have to touch anything. If it doesn’t then use the paper towels to operate these controls.

Again, once you’ve dried your hands, use your clothing to get you out of the restroom and give yourself a pat on the back.