Security For Sellers: How Home Security Systems Can Boost Home Value

Security For Sellers: How Home Security Systems Can Boost Home Value

Home security systems are the go-to option to protect you and your valuables from intruders, theft and all kinds of criminal activity. But, have you thought about the flow-on-effects in the resale value of your home? Your welfare (and that of your family’s) is always paramount when it comes to considering home security systems. However, no matter how you look at it – it is always a wise decision to install a security system in your property. Here’s how to go about it today.

First impressions

When would-be thieves or opportunistic intruders ‘size up’ your home, it always comes down to an equation of risk vs reward. That means, (whether they consciously realise it on not) that the principles of human psychology dictate that they will make a split-second decision whether to attempt a break-in, dependant on their first impression of what they stand to gain, vs the likelihood of encountering difficulties, obstacles and being caught, ie. ‘the cost’ of their endeavour.

That’s why home security screen doors should always your first priority. Not only do they protect what is the primary point of entry, they send a strong message to criminals ie. that trying to unlawfully enter your home simply won’t be worth all the drama. Plus, (because of those security screen doors) you will have a much better chance of avoiding those statistics (you know the ones that show up on Google’s search results) that show potential buyers how many times your property has been subject to recorded criminal activity in the past (setting up massive redflags and making them cast a wide berth).

Monitoring the situation

There are a few types of security systems for your home that currently exist on the market. These can feature alarms and/or monitoring that can give the required effect to deter intruders. A monitored system is one of the most popular of available options. The standard method of operation is that it will alert a call center if the alarm gets triggered, and this call center will then contact the police. There are usually ‘monitoring fees’ associated with this type of service. However, it’s one of the most assured ways to provide peace-of-mind.

There are a lot of wireless options available that combine remote monitoring services with customisable and user-friendly features. This gets around the fact that (with traditional telephone lines) a burglar can cut the lines before breaking in (if they know to do so) and disengage the whole system. In these modern times, there are a range of sensors to suit any kind of property set-up, such as door sensors, motion sensors etc. The addition of apps and digital cameras really up the ante. Make sure you shop around for the best system for your needs, and the most suitable type of contract (in terms of engaging a company to perform your remote monitoring).

The extra benefits

Protecting your home with security screens and systems has many extra financial benefits (in addition to what you stand to save in protecting your assets). This relates to increasing the value of your home substantially from a buyer’s point of view. Not only does it create a set of conditions that lead to a more desirable living environment, but the addition of security systems also mean great things for your investment. Your property will become so much more attractive when buyers realise that they will be able to live safely and securely within its walls.

Another great bonus is that installing security systems often results in home insurance discounts. Depending on your insurer, this could look like 20 percent off your premium – a price cut that is certainly not to be sniffed at. With sensors and smoke monitors standard in most systems these days, you are also protected against fire or flood damage. So, it’s 100 percent win-win.

Security systems save you

When it comes to peace-of-mind and protection in your home environment there can be no compromise. Investing in security screen and systems is the logical and responsible decision to look after yourself (and your loved ones). As it turns out, it’s also the best decision for the value of your property. Security systems really do save you – in more ways than one.