Simple Remedies to Reduce and Prevent Joint Pain

Simple Remedies to Reduce and Prevent Joint Pain

When you experience joint pain, you shouldn’t have to grin and bear it. You should be able to find fast relief, so you can continue on with your life pain-free.

You can take a pain reliver like Advil and Tylenol, but that much medication isn’t always good for your body. And when you take into account their potential side effects, you might not want to be taking them at all. And sometimes, even with the pills, the pain can still be hard to manage.

There are other ways to treat this pain more fully without having to resort to extra-strength pain killers. Though it can be difficult to find the right remedy for your body, it’s worth it to know all of your options for how to manage that pain.


Supplements are pills that are meant to provide your body with some of the necessary nutrients and/or vitamins that it’s currently lacking.

Be on the look-out for supplements that are all natural without filler ingredients. Your supplements should only be adding to your body, not taking away from it.


Getting active is a good way to lose weight and loosen up your muscles. By working out consistently, you can help your joints maintain flexibility and decrease your chances for pain.

Do choose your exercises wisely, though. Running and walking can be damaging to your joints because they’re weight-bearing exercises, meaning you’re constantly putting strain on your joints. Instead, try something that’s more low impact like swimming or water aerobics. By exercising in the water, you allow yourself to improve flexibility and strength without the strain of those high impact movements.


Acupuncture is a treatment that comes from Ancient Chinese practices and involves the insertion of thin needles into very specific areas of the body.  Though some may be skeptical about its effectiveness, acupuncture has helped a lot of people manage their pain. If you don’t have any qualms about needles, it could benefit you to give this treatment a try.

Keep in mind that it may take several sessions before you start seeing results. And when you go to look for a specialist, be sure they are licensed and certified to practice acupuncture in your state.

Hot and Cold Therapy

This treatment is recommended to help with all kinds of pain, and it especially helps with arthritis pain.

Things like hot baths and heating pads are helpful because the heat can ease the stiffness in your joints. It can work wonders in the morning after just waking up. Allow yourself to take a long, hot shower and feel your joints loosen.

The cold therapy mostly comes in handy for when you start feeling pain. The cold treatment can be done by simply getting an ice pack or frozen vegetables from your freezer and applying them to wherever you feel the pain. It will help reduce both the pain and the swelling around the area. Practice both of these if you find yourself frequently experiencing joint pain.

Wrap It

An incredibly simple solution to a joint problem is to just wrap the area and compress it. Doing this can help reduce swelling and any of the discomfort you may be feeling. You can find wraps for different areas of your body at almost any store. Look around and find what works for you. Then before you go to bed at night, be sure to wrap the area where you feel pain and see if it helps ease it. This treatment is especially helpful for knee pain.

Joint pain is extremely uncomfortable and can make going about your day much harder than it should be. If you find yourself struggling, try out some of these natural remedies and find which ones work to ease your pain the most.

Heating pads are generally safe, affordable, and effective and can provide relief within minutes. Click here to know more about heating pad tips and guide.