Broke No More! How Switching to Menstrual Cups Saves Bucks

Broke No More! How Switching to Menstrual Cups Saves Bucks

Ladies, we all know how difficult and expensive women’s necessities (and much more luxuries) can be. From basic needs like shampoo, conditioner, or hair treatments, too, which gives us the confidence and glow all women need — from top to bottom, everything quite hurts our wallet.

Now, let us talk about Aunt Flow, who visits most women every month. Have you ever thought how uncomfortable and annoying it can get sometimes? And have you ever thought of the expenses you make because you need to buy a box of sanitary pads or tampons every month?

Did you know that you are technically flushing your money away by using those two menstrual hygiene products? If you answered yes to all of those, then you might want to hear from this new menstrual product which has been flying off of the shelves from the stores.

Menstrual cups have been around the same time as tampons, but it only got its fame in this era. The rise of its popularity might be due to the changing preferences of women in what they want in terms of menstrual hygiene products like the Daisy cup. Curious? Then read on to know more about menstrual cups.

How Menstrual Cup Works

Menstrual cups’ characteristics are of a bell cone shape or V-shape that are made from latex or medical grade silicone. This cup works by putting it inside the vagina to catch the menstrual blood, pretty much like how tampons work except that it collects and catches blood instead of absorbing it.

You insert the cup by folding it in half and insert it in like a tampon (just without the applicator). Then, the menstrual cup will fit against the vaginal walls, below your cervix and will unfold on its own and seal against the walls.

To remove the menstrual cup, you only need to twist the cup counterclockwise to release the suction and then grab then stem to pull it out. Now, after pulling it out, empty the cup and clean it with running water. If possible, clean it thoroughly to prevent any bacteria from forming.

Because menstrual cups catch the flow rather than absorb the blood, then it means to say that it is hassle-free in terms of changing since you will not need it at all when you use menstrual cups! Now you can leave it in for about 12 hours, with no fuss of going in and out of the comfort room for the whole day in a week.

Is Using It Gross?

For starters, you may think that menstrual cups are gross. Well, that is undeniable, especially if you are trying new things. However, once you get used to it, it will not be a big deal eventually. Also, the idea of using a menstrual cup may sound weird since women were skeeved out by the periods that they have.

Helping in Annual Tampon Waste

With people becoming more aware of the carbon footprints humans do against the Earth, many are doing their best to help save the planet. One of the many things you can help with is switching from tampons or pads to menstrual cups.

A website named Keeper’s claims that there are about 12 billion pads and 7 million tampons that are used once and is disposed of yearly? Not to mention the 170,000 tampon applicators that are collected along with the coastal areas.

Now, imagine doing this for the next few years, do you think the world is still big and wide for garbage?

Saving the Bank

Now, here comes the highlight of this article, saving the money. So, let’s start off with computation as to how much you are spending with your tampons or pads.

Let’s say that your average menstrual cycle needs 12 tampons and around four to five pads. So, let’s put that around roughly 50 dollars a year. Assuming you have switched to a 25-dollar menstrual cup, then you could save approximately 475 dollars over ten years. That’s 1,187.50 dollars savings over the next years.

What can you possibly do with that amount of money? Well, just some two of the Marc Jacobs handbags, or some clothes you can spend it on. Or better, an investment for your future uses. That amount of money goes a long way indeed.


Menstrual cups like the daisy cup are just one of the many options that women have with menstrual hygiene products. However, in knowing your options and benefits in regards to the said products, only you will know that the said item fits your needs best.

Now, if you are considering in switching to menstrual cups, then you might as well research for the things you need to prepare for before you actually buy one from the store.