When Your Kids are Expressing their Independence: Tandem Bike Attachment is the Perfect Solution

When Your Kids are Expressing their Independence: Tandem Bike Attachment is the Perfect Solution

When your kid has grown out of the child seat, you don’t have to leave them behind as you go on long bike rides. You can still continue this tradition as your kid grows and becomes independent.

Fortunately, there’s a solution for you through the Tandem Bike Attachment for Child.

What’s a Tandem Bike Attachment?

The tandem bike attachment is a contraption that allows you to attach the kid’s bicycle to the adult bicycle. Unlike with the couple’s bikes, you connect two separate bikes.

This is different from a tag-along, which comes with a single-speed or even multiple gears. The latter option would teach your kids about the rudiments of gears and how to change them to tackle several road obstacles.

However, the Tandem Bike Attachment For Child from Trucavelo is a Swiss-made product and will allow you to attach the kid’s bike to your own. The ingenious mechanism will enable you to connect the two bikes in 30 seconds or less.

Benefits of the Tandem Bike Attachment:

  • It allows your kid to practice their skills with their bike — When they practice with their own bike, it’s an excellent opportunity to teach them how to take care of it and prepare them for solo riding.
  • You don’t have to worry about safety as you are aware of where they are all the time — Your kid’s bike is attached to your own all the time, so you don’t have to worry about your kid suddenly veering into the wrong direction.
  • You can teach your kids road safety and defensive riding — When your child tags along with you, they will learn about how to watch out both sides of traffic before crossing the road, the importance of safety gear, how wearing headphones can be risky since you can’t hear the cars behind you, and other essential road safety tips.
  • Kids can participate at their own pace — With tandem bikes, the attachment allows your kid to practice their pedaling skills. And when they are tired, they can bring their feet up and let you carry on with the pedaling.
  • It can attach and detach in less than a minute — That’s a conservative estimate since the product from Trucavelo is billed to have the capability to be affixed in less than 30 seconds. That kind of flexibility is unparalleled since you can allow your kids to ride alongside you once you detach them from your bike. You can do this when you are both in the safety of the park.

You can order a tandem bike attachment at the Trucavelo website. It’s Swiss-designed, which speaks of the quality of the product. It’s flexible enough to be used to attach the bike of your 2-year-old toddler. It can also be adjusted to accommodate a bigger bike for a 9-year-old. It’s the only tandem attachment today that can both use a rear support rack and a child seat simultaneously.