Up with the Times – 5 Reasons Why You Need to Replace Your Outdated Tech

Up with the Times – 5 Reasons Why You Need to Replace Your Outdated Tech

There would have been a time when the technology in your business was brand-spanking new. You had cutting-edge systems and staff were blown away by the efficiency of the workplace. That may have been the case ten years ago, but is it now? Here are five reasons why replacing your outdating tech is essential to your company’s growth:

Your Landline is Holding You Back

Landlines were the pinnacle of technology in their day, but now, they can hold you back. If your team members are confined to their desk by a cord, it may be time to research wholesale VOIP providers. Leaving landlines in the dust is a new form of technology known as cloud-based phone systems.

These systems rely solely on an internet connection, meaning your team can answer calls from anywhere. As well as providing a new level of convenience, cloud-based phone systems can help you save money and improve your level of customer service.

It Costs You a Fortune

Technology will never stop costing you money. Companies spent at least $37 trillion on tech in 2018 alone. But, how much you spend depends on the systems you have, and the older your tech equipment is, the more it’ll drain your bank account. Solutions to your problems are far harder to come by, and fixing the many issues that occur with old technology can end up costing you more than if you were to implement new systems.

Your Team’s Productivity is Suffering

Every day, your workers are spending 22 minutes battling with IT problems, which adds up to a massive 91 hours per year. This number only gets larger depending on how old the technology in your office is. Waiting for computers to load, dealing with lag, and trying to fix problems means that your workers aren’t doing the job that you pay them for. Instead, they’re trying to combat the poor technology you lumped upon them. The solution is simple: the better the tech, the better the productivity.

It’s Keeping Your Staff Chained Up

If you don’t see the value in providing your team with fast internet, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and other portable devices, then you can expect to see productivity drop and staff morale decline. If you don’t give your team the option to hot desk, move around, sell on the road or get out and about with technology, you’re limiting their ability to make more money for the business and achieve higher job satisfaction.

Being chained to a desk because that’s the only place your staff can access their work is going to result in poor performance as time goes on, especially as remote working rises in popularity.

Your Customers are Leaving

One of the most significant ways you can find out you’re long overdue to replace your tech is when your customers begin to leave. The general population knows what good service looks like, and it typically involves seamless processes and convenience for the customer rather than the business.

Because businesses lose $75 billion per year due to poor customer service, you need to offer your consumers useful systems such as being able to pay bills, book services, and order products online. If you go with the times, you have a better chance of keeping up and retaining your customers.

Outdated tech can cost your business a fortune not only in repairs, but in productivity and customer satisfaction. Rather than put up with losses and frustrating technology, upgrade your systems and transform your workplace.