Tips on Buying a New Pack n Play Mattress

Tips on Buying a New Pack n Play Mattress

Pack n Play is foldable and portable playpens that is the perfect companion whenever your toddler needs a quick shut-eye. Pack n Play can also be used as an affordable alternative to actual baby cribs as they are economical and easy to store whenever they are not in use. While Pack n Play come with a variety of nifty features, one element that they don’t come with by default is a mattress.

To ensure that your baby will experience a comfortable sleep, it is best to buy a quality Pack n Play mattress as well. But since this mattress is specially made for this particular product, finding the right one will require a different approach.

We will be guiding you through all the factors you need to consider when buying the best Pack n Play mattress for your baby.

What Are the Benefits of Buying a Pack n Play?

Before we begin our breakdown on what makes an excellent Pack n Play mattress, it is best that we introduce the benefits that you will obtain from having this convenient little playpen for your child.

  • Pack n Play cribs are perfect for traveling. Their portable design makes it easy to bring during the vacations of sleepovers.
  • Assembly of the Pack n Play is relatively simple and easy. Attaching accessories might take some getting used to, but compare it to a traditional crib, and it’s a walk in the park.
  • Their lightweight construction also makes it easy to take with you during any travels.
  • Pack n Play cribs also offer sufficient safety for your child, much like the traditional baby crib.
  • Most Pack n Play packages will come with a wide variety of educational toys. These types of toys are essential during the early developmental stage of the baby. Not only will it provide entertainment, but it can also boost the child’s cognitive skills.

Pack n Play Mattress Buying Guide

You will need to consider four major factors when buying the best possible Pack n Play mattress. These are the following:

  1. Size of the Mattress

The most common factor is the size. Of course, it is crucial to ensure that the mattress you will get fits perfectly with the Pack n Play mattress. Check out the appropriate measurement of the mattress you will need by checking the box or instruction manual of the Pack n Play crib. You can also take measures of the lightweight playpen using a measuring tape.

Standard Pack n Play mattress usually come in 25 ½ x 37 ½ inches in diameter (W x L). The thickness that the Pack n Play can accommodate varies from an inch to around five inches. Take accurate measurements of these features, measure twice if need be.

  1. Weight of the Mattress

Since the main benefit of using a Pack n Play is its portability, you should also consider the overall weight of the mattress that you will use. Refrain from buying Pack n Play mattresses that have considerable weight as this will ruin the whole point of having a Pack n Play.

Check the product detail of any Pack n Play mattress that catches your eye. Is the weight of the mattress when combined with the weight of the Pack n Play crib manageable for you? You can also browse through the customer feedback/review section to see how other customers think of the product.

There are other techniques you can apply to have a rough estimation of the mattress’ weight. For example, the material used will be a good indication of what to expect in regards to the weight. Mattresses that use foam are substantially lighter when compared to mattresses that are made from cloth or vinyl. The foam mattress is also more comfortable to fold, which is why all-foam mattresses are usually a better choice.

  1. Safety Standards

Mattresses need to pass fire safety standards as materials used in the construction of this product tend to be flammable. Check to see if the Pack n Play mattress has a certification and has passed tests by the Federal Flammability Standards. To help you in this area, check for 16 CFR 1632 and 1633 standards on the product. Take your time in this area to ensure your child’s safety.

  1. Health Standards

Since the safety of our child should be the primary concern here, it is best to scrutinize what materials are used in the construction of the mattress as well. Choose Pack n Play mattresses that are made from hypoallergenic materials. You should also check to see if the mattress is BPA-free to ensure it does not contain any toxic substances. There are also mattresses that come with antibacterial features that you should consider.

Final Thoughts

Pack n Play mattresses must be able to offer comfort and safety to the child while providing convenience to the parent. That is the whole idea of getting Pack n Play cribs. As an addition, we also recommend considering how the mattress is cleaned. A machine-washable mattress is ideal as you won’t need to worry too much about the proper cleaning process.